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November 13th 1988

We had our last North America show, which everyone was very glad about. I think that we were more glad to be saying goodbye to Arizona than anything else though.

As we take our bows I see Dom whisper something to Michael. We bow and walk off the stage.

"What did you say to Michael?" I ask him but he doesn't seem to have heard. "Hey," I gently pull his hand slightly. He looks over with a smile on his face.

"What's up?"

"What did you tell Michael?"

"What?" I smile slightly and shake my head. He gives me a look and I just smile at him.

Once we get to our hotel room he turns to face me.

"What were you asking after the show?"

"I had asked what you had told Michael."

"I don't remember." I give him a look and he smiles.

"Are we still leaving tomorrow?" He asks as we get into bed a while later.

"If you're good with it?"

"Yeah." I smile and move closer as he gives me a short but sweet kiss.

"I forgot to tell you, my mom said that if we want to go up to where she lives for a weekend or something we're welcome." I say and he nods.

"Maybe we can go after we visit my family?"

"Sure." I smile at him before we fall asleep.

We wave to everyone as we leave the next morning, both of us giving Kyle a hug. Dom had finally let the whole thing go and everyone, for the most part, was comfortable with each other.

We rented a car and drove to Amelia, Chessa, and Amèlie's apartment. We got to the apartment around midday and I let us in. No one was home, Chessa at school, Amelia at school in New York, and Amèlie at work.

"So this is where you live?" He asks, looking around as we bring our stuff in.

"When I'm not touring or staying with you, yeah." He follows me down the hall and into my room.

"I remember this!" He gasps slightly, looking at the picture of us in Australia that I had put on my dresser. He picks it up as I walk over and rest my chin on his shoulder. I kiss his shoulder before walking over to our stuff. He keeps looking around as I start laundry.

The door opens and I walk down the hall, Dom following me. Amèlie walks in, carrying a bunch of bags. She smiles at me and sets the bag down. I walk over and hug her tightly.

"It's so good to see you!" I say as she pulls back.

"You too! Oh and you must be Dominic!" She says as she gives him a hug. "I think we've met once or twice for a minute, but it's good to see you for longer." She says as they pull back.

"So it is okay that he stays here?" I check as he stands next to me again, his arm around my waist.

"Of course! You're welcome whenever." She smiles warmly at him before turning back to the bags.

"I was thinking I could make risotto for dinner since you guys are back." She says and I step forward to help out everything away. Dom helps us put things away as we talk about tour.

"Are you sure you don't want help?" I ask as she starts the risotto.

"Yes, you guys just got back. Relax, we'll get everything ready." Amèlie says as Chessa walks in.

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