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September 13th 1988

We had about two weeks off before going to Pittsburgh for the second, shorter, leg of the U.S. tour. Dom and I decided to stay in his apartment together, figuring that it would be easier so I don't disturb Amélie and Chessa.

I walked out of our room, yawning, and smiled at him. He looked over, holding a bowl of batter.

"Good morning!" He exclaimed as I walked over to him.

"Morning. How are you so awake right now?" I tiredly ask as I hug him.

"I had some coffee." I nod and look over at the coffee pot which was about half full. I make myself a cup of coffee before turning to help Dom with the pancakes.

"I love you from the bottom of my heart, but I do not trust your cooking. Stay out of my kitchen." He says as he kisses the top of my head before gently pushing me out. I jokingly gasp, but let him push me out, walking to the living room.

"That was uncalled for."

"Do you not remember Werchter?"

"Rude! But yeah no, that's fair." I laugh, remembering when I had tried to make waffles and burned them to a crisp.

He walks over after a few minutes with two plates of pancakes and bacon, which smelled really good. I turn the tv on and we watch children's cartoons while eating breakfast.

"What do you want to do today?" Dom asks as I help him clean up.

"Let's have a quiet day inside?" I ask as it starts to rain.

"That sounds amazing," he agrees, laughing.

We spend the day unpacking and doing laundry, playing games, and joking around before reading together with the door to the balcony open slightly. About midday I looked over at him with a smile.

"What?" He asks after a second, glancing up at me.

"Nothing. I just love you. A lot." He smiles and takes my hand, kissing the back of it.

The next day we decide to go to Venice beach. I made sure to put the Spanish copy of The Great Gatsby in my bag in case we want to take a break from the water and tan.

Dom thanks the cab driver before we walk down to the beach. We set our stuff down before taking our clothes off and putting sunscreen on.

"Can you make sure to get under the strap?" I ask as he puts sunscreen on my back.

"Yeah, why?"

"If you put sunscreen under the straps I won't get a tan line. I don't remember where I heard it, but it works." He nods and finishes. I help him with his back before we go into the water.

After a few hours of messing around in the water I get hungry so I walk along the boardwalk. I found a place that has fries and got some, just wanting something to snack on. I see Jenn talking to someone so I walk over.

"Isabella?" Jenn says as I walk up.


"What are you doing here?"

"Dom and I decided to go to the beach today."

"That's so weird, we decided to come today as well." She says, nodding at her friend.

"Hi, I'm Isabella," I say, holding my hand out.

"Molly." I smile at her as she shakes my hand.

"Do you guys want to join us?" I offer as we start walking.

"Sure!" We kept walking and I found where Dom and I had left our stuff after throwing the empty box of fries away.

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