The Move

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       The stuffy air hits Y/Ns face as she sits in the passenger side seat of her mother's yellow Chevy Camaro. The back seat is filled to the breaking point with colourful trunks and labeled cardboard boxes. Her skin is dewy with perspiration. She can see the empty road behind her is the rear view window. On the radio plays Lesley Gores, "Hello Young Lover."

         "I can't believe I'm here right now," muttered Y/N.

          "Oh come on, a new town, with new opportunities, new friends, maybe even new cute boys," her mother nudged her shoulder teasingly, "and besides, look at that open land, goodbye smoggy city air!" She sighed happily, before pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

             Y/N snorts. She didn't do well with her mom on the best of days. Now, between the smoke, bumpy roads, tacky music, and her mother's cheap perfume and comforts, she didn't know what made her more nauseous. "I just don't know, why I have to be punished because dad screwed up. How come he can stay in Brooklyn, and we have to be here in the middle of nowhere."

           She was treading on thin ice, and she knew it.  She watched her mother's lips purse, cutting off the circulation of the cigarette. "Your father's actions, have nothing to do with this move. Like I said before, this is about a change of pace. New surroundings. Y'know your aunt read something the other day, small town folk are a lot happier than people in the city!"

"Whatever. Isn't Keith's house like two bedrooms? Where are we gonna sleep?"

"We'll share a room, Keith will share a room with his sister for the time being, and your aunt will sleep in the living room. I have an interview that's almost a lock at Mercy Hospital. I'll be a nurse, like back home. And we'll have our own place in no time. And it'll be near your aunts, so you'll still be able to talk to Keith, in case you get lonely."

"You have an overwhelming amount of faith in me."

"Y/N, I'm not saying you won't make friends. You're a great kid. But sometimes you just need a little push, just knowing someone can help you meet people. You'll love it here. I promise."

"I'd love it back in New York. With dad."

             Y/Ns mother didn't say anything else.
Her eyes had become slits, and her lips were pressed in a tight red line. She took her cigarette out of her mouth, and pressed it down harshly in the ashtray she kept in the cupholder by her arm, effectively crushing the burning embers. The rest of the drive went by in silence, except for the periodic static of Lesley Gore.

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