Socs and Lunches

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      Her first classes went by quickly, without much trouble. After English with Johnny, she had math alone. She didn't talk to the Soc boy from her english class any more after their very brief interaction. Although after a lot of deliberation, she didn't think it was wise to let him have any effect on her. She pictured herself telling Two-Bit that she had fallen for a Soc. She smiled to herself. He'd probably cope better if he heard she'd married Dallas.

      The bell rang signalling the coming of lunch. Hauling her bag over her shoulder, she walked into the busy hallway, and a realization dawned on her. She had no idea where the cafeteria was. She was hoping that with dismissals, a flow of students could lead her in a general direction. However, her plan quickly fell flat. Students were going in every direction, leaving the school, going to lockers, and with the school being huge, she didn't have a prayer. 

      Whatever, she thought. She had to go to her locker anyway, and she knew how to get to the office from there. She could just ask the secretary. Approaching her locker, she opened it quickly, eager to eat something. Her toast and coffee didn't really have any nutritional value, so for now, she was running on empty. She closed the door, and saw someone at the locker next to her, putting his textbook away. A familiar leather green sleeve was fiddling with the lock combination.

      Feeling someones eyes on him, he looked up. Y/N recognized him immediately as the Soc from her English class. How couldn't she remember him? He was even more handsome up close. "Hey Y/N." He smirked at her, leaning into the locker.

      "Hi," she replied fumbling with her bag. She felt her face warm up, and she cringed. She felt like she was radiating heat.

      "Sublette's pretty intense isn't she," he smiled down at her. He was tall and muscular, practically glowering over her.

      "Yeah," Y/N laughed, "she makes an impression."

       The boy chuckled and leaned in towards her. "My name's Christopher." He looked up at the empty hallway, "do you need help getting to the Caf?"

       "Yeah, actually, that would be great," she sighed in relief and shifted her bag onto her other shoulder.

       "Here, let me," he grabbed her bag, and slung it over her shoulder. She nodded, silently thanking him. "So how long have you been in Tulsa?" he asked curiously.

      "Moved here Saturday morning."

      "Wow, they didn't give you a lot of time to get situated."

      "No, not really," she chuckled in response.

      "So who was that greaser you were hanging with in class this morning?" Christopher questioned as they made their way down the hall.

      "Um," she fumbled with her words, not wanting to say the wrong thing, "just a friend."

      "Just a friend huh?" he spoke neutrally. Y/N couldn't get a read on him at all.

       They approached the cafeteria together. It was filled with rowdy teenagers, once again, almost perfectly split between Socs and Greasers. Y/N immediately saw Two-Bit, Johnny and Pony sitting at a table near the back. She smiled at them widely. Two grinned back. His eyes moved to Christopher and his face fell flat. She noticed that Ponyboy and Johnny were also staring at the two of them. In fact, she became uncomfortably aware that almost everyone, Greaser and Soc, were looking at the unlikely pairing. Christopher moved closer to her. "So, you wanna sit with us?" he motioned to a table of Soc guys and girls. The guys were dressed similarly to him, in letterman jackets and sweaters. The girls were looking her up and down and whispering. Y/N recognized Cherry, Marcia and their boyfriends. She hesitated.

      "Thanks, but I have friends waiting for me."

       He raised his eyebrow slightly, but smiled warmly. "No problem," he looked up at Johnny, who hid his head, "well, let me walk you to your table at least."

       Y/N grimaced, not looking forward to the walk of shame back to the table filed with greasers. With a Soc holding her bag no less. "Sure."

       She felt eyes on her as she walked past the rows of tables. She looked up at Christopher who seemed unbothered. Smug, even. The closer she got to the table, the wider Pony and Johnnys eyes got. Two-Bits head was resting on the table. They approached the group, and Y/N slid into the seat next to Ponyboy. "Thank you, i'll see you in class tomorrow?"

      "Looking forward to it," he shot her a wink before sauntering back to his table.

      It was quiet for a moment before Two-Bit spoke, his head still on the table.

      "Everyday you make it harder to be related."

      "Shut up!" Y/N snapped, as Johnny burst out laughing. "What was I supposed to do! I had no idea where I was supposed to eat, and his locker is right next to mine-"

      "Incredible," Two groaned raising his head in disbelief.

      "It isn't my fault. He was just guiding me. It was nothing more."

      "I ask you one thing," Two shook his head, biting into a sandwich.

      "I'm here now, aren't I?"

      "That, is not the point," Two seethed.

      "Two, we have one class together, we have a locker next to each other. I am going to see him, wether you like it or not. But that's it. Just lockers and classes. Promise. God."

      "Alright, alright," Two muttered. 

       "Y/N, your'e still coming over tonight right?" Pony asked, butting in.

      "Yeah, I just have to stop by our house really quick. I have to give Soda his coat back."

      Ponyboys smile faltered for a moment, but he quickly collected himself, before Y/N had a chance to notice. "Cool. Maybe we could go to the Dingo afterwards? Together?"

      "The Dingo?" she asked.

      "Yeah, this diner near the drive in,"Pony answered, "Cool joint, you'll love it."

      "Yeah, I could go for a burger," Two chimed in and Johnny nodded.

      "Yeah, we can all go as a group, and get the guys to come," Johnny added.

       Ponyboy pursed his lips, refraining rom rolling his eyes."It's a plan." 


      Pony sat in his last period biology class. He was having trouble concentrating on the teachers words, his thoughts filled with the girl that had been on his mind for the past few days. He couldn't stand seeing her with that Soc. 

       He was tall, rich, on the football team, a poster boy Soc. He was a senior in a juniors english class. Held behind a year because he spent the last semester drunk and partying. He didn't have to worry about school. He would have a job at his daddies construction company straight out of high school. He wasn't good enough for her. Who was? Pony rested his head on the palm of his hand.  Definitely not him. If the Soc was an ocean he was a puddle. He couldn't blame her for noticing Cristopher. Pony sighed. He didn't know how to get her attention. He didn't mention anything at the lunch table, and neither did any of the other guys, but she had made an impression on the student body today. Especially the male student body. He wanted to get her to notice him, but he didn't know how. He figured that he could ask her out to the Dingo for a burger. He knew, he should have talked to her alone. Apparently the guys were under the impression this was a group event. He could've killed Johnny and Two-Bit. 

      He didn't have a chance with her if his brother would be there. He also couldn't un-invite Soda or the others. They would just have to go as a group.

      The teacher finally dismissed them near the end of the day. Pony shot out of his seat and ran to meet his friends at the front of his school. He was quickly realizing that if he wanted to get the girl, he had to learn to be fast


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