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      The shower was running in the other room as Y/N stared at the ceiling fan in the hall, urging herself to get up. She got home later last night, her mother was downstairs, and she didn't have a chance to tell her about the suspension. Was she avoiding her mom? No. Was she excited about telling her that she getting suspended on her second day of school? Also no.

      "C'mon Y/N, get a move on, she's gonna find out eventually, just bite the bullet," Two said reading her thoughts and knocking on the wood door. She groaned, stretching upwards and standing up. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her face was puffy, and her hair ruffled. Oh god. She was supposed to meet Dallas tonight. She smacked her hand to her forehead, remembering her plans with him. She felt horrible, a feeling of dread in her stomach, thinking about Soda. They weren't technically together, plus, Dallas was just a friend. So why did she feel so weird around Soda, why did she tell Dallas not to speak to him? This was too much. One problem at a time, she had to face her mother.

       Her feet moved almost robatically down the creaky hall, as everyone sat eating dry toast and eggs at the table. Two looked at her, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

      "Y/N, what're you doing?! You're gonna be late to school, you're not even dressed?" Marie asked, her eyes wide in surprise.

      Oh God. "Actually mom, I don't have school today. Or for the rest of the week."

      Marie's eyes narrowed. "What?"

      "I got suspended."

      "On that note," Two-Bit interrupted Marie exploding, as he scooped up Tara by her collar. "We've got to go, bye mom, bye aunt Marie, I'd appreciate your mercy, Y/N is actually helping me with my English homework."

      "Keith! Out!" May hollered at her son, as he shut the door quickly, not even bothering to correct his mother.

      Y/N braced herself. "Suspended? On your second day? Was this your fresh start? Is this the impression you want to make?"

      "Mom I'm sorry, I promise, it won't happen again." She looked down at the floor.

      "You know, I can't believe you. These past few days, you haven't even been yourself. You've been hanging out with some group of guys- you should hear what the woman at the grocery store keeps saying about us- and I moved us out here to keep you happy and close to our family, and this is what you do?"

      "Bull," Y/N had heard enough, "really, it wasn't about dad then? You know, you could at least tell me what's going on, before you decide to change my whole life! Who I hang out with is not your problem, I'm just trying to make my life here a little bit better!"

      Her mother's face went purple. "This, has nothing, to do with you father," she hissed.


"I don't know what's wrong with you. I don't even know who you are anymore, you're so cold, and closed off, you don't tell me anything."

Y/N scoffed. "It's not like you've made any effort to reach out."

       "That's not true."

      "Of course it is. I'm sorry I got suspended. It won't happen again," she sighed before walking upstairs and shutting the door in frustration, opening her math textbook, trying desperately to stop the tears that pricked her eyes from to spilling over. She hated her father, but all she wanted now was to talk to him. And she couldn't.

      She shut the book in anger, unable to concentrate, and threw herself on her bed, looking out the window. She was exhausted. She slept horribly last night, and she just wanted to rest. Good thing she had the time. Shit. She still had to meet Dal tonight. He said to meet at 6. She shot up. Damn. She had told him to meet her at her house, but that was before her talk with the mom. Maybe she could make a quick getaway, slip out while her mother was occupied? Then she'd have to worry about Two asking questions. Maybe she had a study group? No that wouldn't work. She wasn't exactly the most popular at school, and her current friend group wasn't the most scholarly. Two would probably be with the gang today, he'd see that Dallas and her were missing. He wasn't stupid. He'd put two and two together, but would Soda? She fell into her covers, trying to bury herself in her duvet. Should she cancel? No. She didn't know where Dallas was, she didn't have his number, and strangely, she didn't want to. She liked talking to him the other day. He was almost a human being when they were alone. She drifted off to sleep.


Y/N woke up to the sound of Two-Bit in the house. She looked at the clock. 4:00. Dallas would be coming around at 6:00. She got out of bed and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash away the smell of her bed, and the gross smell that came with her nap. The steam cleared her head, and she felt less nervous about tonight's outing. Dallas was a friend. Nothing more. She had zero reason to feel guilty.

After getting dressed and putting on some makeup, she paced around the room anxiously. She had no idea why she was so nervous. The clock drew nearer to 6:00. She could wait in the living room, wait until she sees Dal walking down the sidewalk, and run out to meet him. No one the wiser. Slowly, Y/N made her way to the couch, and stared out the glass, onto the empty streets.

"Hey," someone behind her said, causing the girl to jump, before turning around. Two-Bit made his way to the lazy boy, and settled in. Great. "You look nice," he spoke carefully, "how did she take it?"

"Awesome, she completely blew up," Y/N answered, turning around, hoping he would get the hint.

"This is the first time you've talked to her since y'all got here huh?" He pressed.

She was getting annoyed. Why was he so nosy. Couldn't he see she didn't want to talk? "Yeah, I guess so," she turned towards him, a frown on her face.

"Why are you dressed up?"

"I'm not dressed up, this is how I usually dress," Y/N looked him in the eyes, trying to show her distaste with this conversation. He didn't seem to get the message, as he continued his mindless dronings

"You know, you were a hot topic at school today. With Greasers and Socs."

"Is that right?"

"Yup. Couldn't get enough of the New York kid that hit a Soc."

"I'm not a violent person. That was a fluke. They better not get their hopes up. That's not me."

"For your sake, I hope so."

A sudden knocking took them out of their thoughts. Y/Ns mouth went dry, and her knees felt wobbly. This is exactly what couldn't happen. Two could not see Dallas. She did not need his judgement right now.

"Who's that?" Two-Bit asked no one in particular, as he got up to open the door.

"Don't worry about it, I'll just get it and see what they want," she feigned a smile as she moved forward. She became uncomfortably aware that Two-Bit was behind her, no chance of him moving any time soon. She gritted her teeth, and opened the door.

Dallas stood in the doorway, a cigarette sticking out from his lips.

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