Away from it all.

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They had decided that Y/N would meet Soda at his house. Soda knew where he wanted to take her, and he stubbornly wouldn't tell the girl, as to not ruin the surprise. This didn't give her anytime to prepare. God, why was she so nervous? This was technically her first real date. Like, romantically speaking. Did that night with Dallas count? No, they established it was on a strict friend basis. Shit. So this was her first real date. 

       The cold air of the pavement seeped in through the soles of her shoes. Her teeth chattered, and she felt a breeze under her coat. Whatever he planned, she hoped it wouldn't involve the outdoors. The closer they got to his house, the more Y/N had wished that she had said to meet at her place. She didn't consider the group of guys that would be sitting in the living room as they departed. How could she be so stupid? Of course they'd be there. They were always at the Curtis' house.  She didn't feel too eager to be put on display. It was no secret they had a date, but she wasn't an exhibitionist or anything. Two-Bit swung the door open, and she let out a sigh of relief. The house was as empty as it could be. Darry was behind the counter, flipping something in a skillet, and Pony was sitting at the kitchen table doing homework. Two walked in, and made himself at home, collapsing on the couch and turning on the television, causing Darry to roll his eyes in amused annoyance.

      "Hey Y/N," Darry smiled warmly. "Soda'll be down in a second. Just make yourself at home." Ponyboy grinned at her, as she sat across the table, peering into his school work. 

     "Watcha working on?"

      He blushed slightly, flipping his textbook to the lesson he was on. "Just math. Nothing i'm real crazy about." He glanced at her again. "You look nice."


      "Did Soda say where he was taking you?"

      Y/N rolled her eyes. "No."

       Darry chuckled behind them. "That makes all of us. Doesn't want to spoil anything. We live in  Tulsa, where could he be going?"

      "I know," she chuckled. "I didn't even know what I was supposed to wear!"

      Pony smirked at her. "Well you look fine from where I'm sitting." He hid his face in his school work, trying to hide his blush and she smiled, feeling her own face warm up.

      A whistle came from down the hall, causing them all to turn around. Soda walked towards Y/N, a wide toothy smile on his face. He really did look like a movie star. Especially today, with a deep green sweater, and blue jeans, that complimented his eyes. Tulsa's own James Dean. The whole ensemble was appealing. She smiled at him, getting up. "Nice sweater."

       "Green," he replied back simply. A teasing smirk danced along his lips, and she dipped under his arm casually. Two-Bit and Ponyboy rolled their eyes, but Darry kept a stony face. 

       "Alright kid, no funny business."

       Soda groaned. "Darry-"

      "No drugs, cops, fighting."


      "Be home by 12."

      "Got it."




      "Can I  borrow the car?"


      "So are you going to tell me where we're going?" Y/N laughed, the wind whipping against her hair, as they drove with the windows down. The cold didn't bother her that much any more. In fact, she began to like the cooling, awake feeling it gave her.

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