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The gang sat in the Curtis' living room, watching Ponyboy on the couch. He had his head in his hands as he waited for Darry to get back from work. They tried to console him, but were prepared to leave as soon as the oldest Curtis brother got home, and found out that Ponyboy was failing. The brothers had gotten into arguments about Pony's grades before, but everyone knew that today would be especially hard on Darry. It wasn't easy raising two teenagers by himself.

      "C'mon Pony, we'll figure it out," Soda tried to comfort him, but even he sounded nervous.

      "Just explain it to Darry," Y/N spoke softly, putting her hand on Ponys shoulders. Under any other circumstance, he would have been thrilled.

      "You worry too much kid," Dallas leaned back, his hand on his knees. He seemed unconcerned, which made Ponyboy look at him  incredulously.

     "Worry? Darry is harder on me than he was on Soda. He'll kill me." Soda seemed to have forgotten his exchange with Dally at the DX, and focused his energy on Ponyboy. Dallas was still thinking about how to get Soda back. Same old places? Who the hell was he? Where'd he take her that was so special? Dallas felt insecure and unsure of himself, something he really hated. Y/N seemed to only have eyes for his friend.

      "Whatever, you guys need a drink?" He asked getting up. They all nodded, and Dally looked at Y/N. "Hey, mind helping me with this?" She got up, following him to the kitchen.

Soda sat up fast, making everyone stare. "I can help you guys if you want."

"Thanks Soda, but I think we can handle a couple cans ourselves," Dally chuckled darkly at the boy. Y/N shrugged and smiled softly, and Soda reluctantly sat down.

The conversation in the living room continued to center around how to break the news to Darry. Dally shut the door behind them, and bent down to grab the cans of Coke.
"How was your date?"


"C'mon, Y/N, I thought we were friends. All I get is fine? " He smiled at her and she laughed.

"It was nice. We went dancing."

"You like dancing?"

"I'm bad at it, but I like the music. Everyone's drunk, it's dark, no ones looking, so it's alright."

"Hey, you ever been down to Bucks?"


"Yeah, it's a bar close to here. I'm renting out a room upstairs. It's nothing fancy, but there's drunk people, darkness, dancing, and music. Check it out with me."

Y/N chuckled nervously, looking back at the door. "I'd love to, but I don't know. I think me and Soda have a thing now, and I don't know if he'd be cool with it."

Dallas thought for a moment. "Fine. We'll get them all to come down. Maybe not Pony, Darry would kill me. But the rest of them. Soda too. More business for Buck."

"Sounds good to me. You ask them though."

Dally threw his hands up in mock annoyance. "Fine, I'll ask them. Here, catch," he passed her a couple of Cokes which she caught, and he opened the door, letting her walk under his arm back into the living room.

"Hey, what'd you guys think about going down to Bucks on Friday?"

"I already know I'm not coming," Pony muttered grimly.

"That's right," Soda said."I can go, Steve you'll be there?" Steve nodded.

"Pass,"Johnny muttered softly. "I'll hang around here if that's cool."

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