English Class

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       Y/n woke up on Monday morning, rubbing her face groggily. She looked over to the other side of the bed. The sheets were ruffled, but she could hear her mom downstairs talking with May and Two-Bit. She hadn't spoken to her mother since the night they got here. She didn't really know what to say. Her mom wasn't making an effort to reach out, and it wasn't in Y/Ns nature to come crawling back to people. So they lived like strangers.

       She didn't have time to think about her mom. Y/N had to push that to the back of her mind, she couldn't have that distract her from today. She was starting at the local high school, and her stomach was filled with butterflies. Only a couple members of the gang went to school, those people being Johnny, Ponyboy and Two-Bit. Pony was a sophomore, and Johnny and Two were both Juniors, like her, but it wasn't guaranteed that she would be in a class with them.

       Y/N stood looking down at her clothes. She had no idea what to wear. Her sense of style left much to be desired on a regular day, but these Soc and Greaser divisions complicated the situation even more. How was she supposed to know how to fit in? No matter how she dressed, someone would hate her."Two!" Y/N called from upstairs.

       Two-Bit was dressed in acid wash jeans and brown boots. He had on a white t-shirt that he wore tucked in. He knew just what was coming today, knew exactly what to expect, and Y/N envied that. 

      "What do you want?" Two asked, bounding into the room.

      "I don't know what to wear," Y/N cried flinging herself into a chair dramatically. 

       "What does that have to do with me?"

       "I need your help, I don't know what to wear, and I don't know about this Soc and Greaser stuff, and I hate it here, and I don't have enough clothes!" 

       "Fine, fine, relax," Two said, holding his hands out in defeat, laughing at the girls distress. "Alright let's see."

        After a couple of minutes of arguing, huffing and final deliberation, Two's work was complete. They decided on a  burgundy corduroy skirt, about an inch above the knee. She also wore a more oversized, white turtleneck knit sweater, ending at the elbows. She had on white socks, and black Mary-Jane shoes. Over it, she wore a large, denim jacket. Her hair was down, and her makeup was minimal. She admired her reflection. This would work.

      "Thank you Two," She said leaning in and hugging her cousin tightly.

      "Yeah, whatever, you tell anyone about this and I'll kill you, got that?" He said, glaring at her. She nodded, and turned around to grab her bag, when she spotted Sodas large jacket hanging over the back of her chair. She smiled to herself, remembering the boy from last night, excited to see him today after class. 

       "You should probably return that to him," Two-Bit grumbled behind her.

       "I know," Y/N snapped, "we're going back today aren't we? To their house?"

        "Yeah, yeah, we are."

        "So, i'll give it to him there."

      "You guys were pretty cozy the other day," Two-Bit began, "but," he sighed, "if you were to end up with any of the guys, Soda's alright."

        "Wow, thanks for your blessing," she rolled her eyes, "so who wouldn't you want me with? Just for future reference, in case you ever really get on my nerves."

        He rolled his eyes. "Man, the gangs mostly okay," he hesitated, "don't get me wrong, I don't want you with anyone. I don't need to see my kid cousin with some guy. I can tolerate Soda, but if he tries anything i'll have to kill him," Y/N shoved her cousin, who laughed, "but I really wouldn't be happy if you were with Dally. I mean, he's a nice guy most of the time, but, well I'm sure you saw him last night."

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