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       The drive in was large and loud, mostly filled with kids their age. Two-Bit was drunk, but not falling down drunk, just enough to have a good time. He was funny, and Y/N could see why he had so many friends. In a way, she envied her cousin. Making friends had never been her strong suit. The night was cool, signifying that autumn was approaching, and the summer was coming to a close. The weather change between the night before and today was drastic. The temperature had to have dropped about 8 degrees. She felt the hair on her arms raise, as goosebumps coated her arms and legs. 

     Two-Bit found the guys quickly. Y/N didn't know what the movie was about, but she didn't seem to care. For now, she was just happy to belong. She sat down, in between Soda and Two-Bit, with Dally on the right, and Pony and Johnny on the left, by Soda. Two-Bit, who wasn't especially interested in movies to begin with, looked at the concession stand, and seeing a tall statuesque blonde, excused himself. Chuckling, she shifted, so she was directly between Dally and Soda. The movie began and she looked to her side, trying to get a glimpse of her hair-brain cousin, when a certain boy by her left caught her eye.  Y/N didn't know how she hadn't notice it before, but Johnny had a long scar, going across his face. She though back to her first meeting with him. Remembering shaking his hand, and him turning his head away, and not being able to look her in the eye. He had been trying to hide the scar. Like he was embarrassed. Now facing her left, under the moonlight, the scar was clear as day. 

     Bringing her out of her thoughts,  were two girls that had sat down in front of them. Older. One a beautiful redhead, and the other a cute, petite girl with short brown hair. They didn't look like they were from her neighbourhood. They were pristine, famous looking. They looked like they could've been from New York. Like the ladies that walked in front of the fancy shops. She felt Soda lean into her, and felt a warm breath by her ear."Socs," he whispered, smiling. Confused, Y/N turned to ask what that meant, when Dallas started talking.

      The two girls had clearly captured his attention. The comments quickly turned from flirtatious to vile. He was provoking them. Saying everything under the sun to get their attention. Y/N looked over at Soda, Johnny and Pony, who all looked embarrassed. Everyone turned to the redhead, when they heard her yell out. "Get your feet off my char and shut your trap!" Johnny, excused himself to go get a coke, but seemed unable to tear his eyes away from the scene. Dallas was pleased. He was pushing her buttons, and it was working. He was getting attention from everyone, something he deeply craved.

        "Who's gonna make me? Who? Your boyfriend?" Dally pressed.

        "Leave her alone Dal," Ponyboy spoke up, but talking to Dallas when he was like this, proved to be like speaking to a brick wall.

         The cute girl with the brown hair whispered to the redhead, "Thats the greaser that just got out of jail."

          Y/N looked over at Dally, her eyebrows raised. He tried to put up a front, but she could see a flash of hurt go through his eyes, when he realized that people didn't seem to think of him as human, but rather as a hardened criminal. He quickly recovered and brushed it off, "whatever you say."

          Y/N looked  away, and felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned, to see Soda smiling sympathetically at her. "Hey you wanna get out of here and get some popcorn?" She nodded,  quickly getting up and following him into the theatre.

         "That was crazy," she began when they got into the lobby, "I've never seen Dally like that."

         "He has the habit of showing off around others," Sodapop replied with a grin, "but don't tell him I told you that." 

           They got in line for popcorn. While Soda ordered, Y/N took a closer look at the him. He was handsome. His features were soft, and he had kind but reckless eyes. He looked a little bit like James Dean, except Soda was always smiling. That's one thing she noticed about him. He was never sad. What was his life like? He was handsome, had friends, girls lined up around the block, pining for him. His life seemed perfect. Across the counter, two guys got into a fistfight. One had his hair gelled, like the gang, and wore a dark leather jacket. The other was wearing a letterman jacket, and a crisp polo. She remembered her question from earlier. 

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