Chapter Twenty Three

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Back to Christmas Eve~

As Nicolas walked out of Kai's house his heart throbbed with the reminder of Kai's tears. God he should have never said it. It was too soon. Kai wasn't ready. He should have kept his mouth shut and waited for Kai like he's always done.

Why now?

Why did he decide to make the first move now? He made Kai cry on Christmas Eve with his stupid love confession. Of course he does love Kai with everything he has but he wished he had waited until his baby was ready before telling him. Now he may have possibly scared him away.

After all it's only been a month since they've been dating. But four years since I've been hopelessly in love with him.

He sighed and shook his head before starting the car and going home. He would come back tomorrow and assure Kai that it was okay and he would wait as long as he wanted for him to say it back. It didn't matter to Nicolas if Kai didn't
love him yet, as long as he stayed with him.

When he parked his car and entered his house his eyes roamed around, the house looked empty.

"Mom!" He yelled and his mother came downstairs with a smile.

"Are you doing a Christmas cleaning or something?" He asked.

"No Nicolas." She smiled, that condensing smile. "We're leaving."

"What do you mean we're leaving?" He asked.

"I mean we are leaving. We're going to New York." She said like it was nothing, like she was telling him what they were going to have for breakfast tomorrow morning.

"No we're not." Nicolas said.

"You have no say in this. I already enrolled you in a new school there and we're going to be living in my condo there after I finish the arrangements." She said and he shook his head.

"Mom! You can't do this! You have no right. My whole life is here." He exclaimed.

"You will have a new life in New York. With Angelica." She said and he rolled his eyes.

"I already told you no. I have no business with that girl and her father can marry her off to another person's rich son. You cannot force me to be with someone that I don't like." He growled approaching her and she just stared at him, not phased.

"You will learn to like her." She simply said and he groaned.

"Mom. You and I both know that I will never like her or any other girl." He said and she flinched.

"You know don't you? You've always known." He taunted and she clenched her jaw.

"Your son, your heir is gay. Nicolas Martinez is gay!" He yelled.

"Shut up! You're not! Don't you ever say those words again!" She yelled, loosing her cool and Nicolas smiled.

"I'm gay mom. And not only that but I'm in a relationship with Kai! You knew that as well didn't you? That's why you've been so mean to him. You think I didn't notice those glares you'd throw at him?" He sneered and suddenly his head whipped back as her hand met his cheek.

Nicolas's eyes widened as he raised his hand to touch his stinging cheek and he stared at his mother with disbelief. Her own eyes were wide but then her face expression soon turned stoic again and she started at him blankly.

"You're clothes are already packed. I'm your mother and what I say goes. We're leaving tomorrow and that's it." She said.

"You're not my mother." Nicolas whispered. "You stopped being my mother the second dad died and now you're just this cold hearted business woman who only cares about herself."

Her eyes widened at his words but she refused to say something.

"I wish.." I wish it was you who died.

He didn't dare to say the words that crossed his mind, instead turned around to leave but she grabbed his hand that was holding his phone, stopping him from going up the stairs.

"What ar-"she cut him off by taking his phone away from his grasp.

"Give it back." Nicolas said but she turned around and walked away.

"Mom!" He yelled but he heard the click of her door shutting.

"Fuck." He muttered running up to his room to search for his laptop. But when he opened his door everything was gone.

There wasn't even a trace of paper and a pencil that he could use to write a note.

"Fuck!" He yelled kicking the door in frustration which only made his foot throb in pain.

How was he supposed to tell Kai now? He had to tell him. He looked outside and it was quite dark. But there was no other option. He had to go back to Kai's house.

He rushed back downstairs and went to where he left his key, on the kitchen counter but they were gone.

It's fine I can walk.

He made his way to the front door but when he tried to open it, it wouldn't budge. "What the.." he muttered pulling harder but it wouldn't open.

She locked me in.

He couldn't believe that she went this far to keep him away.

He walked to her bedroom and banged his hand against her door. "Mom! Open the door! Give me back my phone!"


She was ignoring him. "Mom!" He continued to yell as he banged at her door but there was no response.

"Please. At least let me talk to him." He begged, much softly but still there was no response.


First off, THANK YOU FOR 10K READS! I love you guys!

Secondly, I wanted to make this chapter longer but yeah it ended up being quite short so I'm sorry for that. But I hope you enjoyed Nicolas's POV.

I'm on a roll with my updates and I'm quite proud. We're nearing the end soon!

Please don't forget to vote and comment!

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