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Hi guys! This is the second story I'm writing and it's a story between two young boys.  (BL, BXB, MXM) It's actually a spin off from His Precious Girl. It's about Lee's little brother Kai and his best friend Nicolas. You don't have to read His Precious Girl to understand this story so it's considered a stand alone.

Another thing I want to say is that THERE IS NO SMUT. My characters go only as far as making out but that's it so if you're here for the smut then this is my warning that there is none.

Also please don't post hateful comments and if you do have something mean to say then just say it in your head and move on, there's no need to comment it! Thank you.

And well yeah that's it... I HOPE YOU ENJOY! ╹◡╹)♡

Kai watched with a heavy heart as all the other kids in the playground played and laughed together.

After some time of watching everyone have fun he decided it was time to stop watching and try to join. Slowly he approached the boys who were playing soccer.

"Can I play with you guys?" He asked one of the boys and just as he was about to agree someone decided to cut in.

"No! We don't want a loser like you to play with us." Luke said glaring at Kai making him feeling hurt and angry.

"I'm not a loser!" Kai yelled with clenched fists.

"Loser, loser loser!" Luke taunted and some of the kids around Luke started laughing.

"You're a bully! You're rude and mean and I hate you!" Kai yelled as tears threatened to spill from his beautiful black eyes.

"What did you just say, loser?" Luke hissed and grabbed the soccer ball at his feet and threw it at Kai's face.

Kai was not expecting that to happen and so he had no time to protect his face and the ball hit him straight on the cheek. He stumbled a few steps and almost fell when someone caught him from behind. He turned around to see a boy his age with adorable glasses staring at him with anger in his emerald green eyes.

"Are you okay?" The boy asked and raised his hand and brushed it across Kai's now bruised cheek.

Kai flinched at the pain in his cheek but nodded with teary eyes.

"Who are you?" Luke said and the boy turned to face the bully.

"Did you throw the ball at him?" The mystery boy asked ignoring Luke's question.

"Yeah so what?!" Luke said confidently while continuing to laugh at the teary Kai. He didn't know that his action would only fuel the anger in the young boy. He didn't know the boy would let go of Kai's shoulder and approach him. He certainly did not know that the boy was going to throw a punch right at his cheek.

The kids around them gasped is shock and one ran to get a teacher as the situation got worse.

"What the heck!" Luke yelled cupping his cheek.

"Don't ever bother him again." The boy said glaring at him and returning to the now wide eyed Kai.

"That was so cool!" Kai exclaimed with a wide smile forgetting his pain as he admired the boy in front of him.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Nicolas." Nicolas replied with a small smile, glad that Kai wasn't on the verge of crying anymore. "What's yours?"

"Kai!" Kai chirped with a wide grin.

"Can we be friends?" He asked Nic with hope shining in his eyes.

Nic nodded and was about to say something when a new voice cut in.

"What happened here?" A teacher screeched and Kai winced at her annoying voice.

"He punched me!" Luke yelled pointing to Nicolas who only blankly stared back at him.

"That's because Luke threw a soccer ball at my face!" Kai immediately came to his new friend's defence.

"You three! Follow me." She said and entered the school just as the bell rang signalling the end of recess.

The teacher brought them to their teacher's office and waited till the teacher arrived.

"What happened?" Miss Amelia said as she entered the office, shutting the door behind her.

"Your students have been fighting." The annoying teacher said with her screechy voice and Kai rolled his eyes with a pout.

"We did not!" He muttered and Nicolas smiled at his adorableness.

"Nicolas this is your first day and you're already getting into fights?" Miss Amelia said with a hint of disappointment in her tone.

"Nic was only defending me! Luke started it!" Kai defended, crossing his arms across his chest and stomping his foot on the ground to get his point across.

"Did not!" Luke said.

"Did too!" Kai replied glaring at his bully.





"Enough!" Miss Amelia'a voice boomed in the small office making the boys wince. "Miss Lora you may leave I will handle this."

The annoying teacher scoffed and left the office.

"Nicolas tell me what happened."

"Luke and Kai were having a disagreement when Luke suddenly threw a soccer ball at Kai's face and then I punched him." Nicolas said and pushed his glasses up which Kai found adorable but couldn't understand why.

"Luke is this true?" Miss Amelia asked and Luke stubbornly shook his head.

"I also saw Luke pestering Kai during class and no one did anything about it." Nicolas added and glared at Luke. "He was probably bullying Kai for a while now."

"Kai is this true?" She asked and Kai nodded while looking down.

"Yes." He meekly replied. "Luke is always being mean with me and never let's me play with the others. And he always calls me a loser."

"Okay I'm going to call your parents and we will discuss about this situation." She said. "I don't tolerate any kind bullying in my classroom so this will stop." She added and left the room but made sure to keep the door open in case they started fighting again.

"Snitch." Luke said and Kai rolled his eyes but made sure to stuck out his tongue at the boy.

"You're going to regret this." Luke fumed with heated eyes and Kai bit his lip and looked down at his sneakers, loosing his earlier confidence as memories of Luke pushing him to the ground after school arose in his mind.

He felt someone grab his hand and and looked up to see Nicolas giving him a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry he won't do anything. I'll always protect you." He said and Kai felt his fear wash away as he stared into Nicolas' beautiful green eyes, he could see that the boy was telling the truth.

Nicolas would always protect Kai.



I hope you guys liked the prologue and enjoyed witnessing their first meeting. Isn't Nicolas the sweetest?

Also they're  nine years old here and in third grade!(><)

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