Chapter Three

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Kai's eyes fluttered slowly fluttered opened and he turned around, blinking away the sleepiness he was feeling only to come face to face with a bare chest. There was a small noticeable blush on his cheeks as he glanced at Nicolas's bare chest. Nicolas had a firm chest and you could tell he works out quite a bit from his muscles. Despite being a big nerd Nicolas broke the physical stereotypes. He wasn't scrawny or skinny instead he had one of the nicest body at school.

But his silent, brooding personality quickly bored any students who had any kind of interest in him. They went to him and tried to make a conversation only for him to blink at them and pull out a novel to read. Some people had even assumed he was mute only for them to see him put aside his book minutes later to speak to his best friend.

Kai, who was still staring at the shirtless Nicolas , had forgotten just how good he looked since it's been awhile they had a sleepover and now that he was he couldn't seem to look away.

Was that weird?

He didn't think it was all that weird since he had always admired how good looking his best friend was. He thought it was normal to think that Nicolas was attractive because he was and It would be more weird if he called him ugly.

So Kai never meddled on the fact that he found his best friend attractive and never told anyone just how attractive he found him.

Kai finally looked away from Nicolas's chest to instead look at how peaceful his face looked when he was sleeping. His usual emotionless face had a hint of content as his arm was wrapped tightly around Kai's waist. His messy hair was sprawled on the pillow and some of it was over his close eyes. Kai raised his hand and brushed the hair away from Nicolas, eyes and at the action the latter stirred and slowly opened his eyes.

"Good morning." He murmured then covered his mouth with his hand as a yawn broke through.

"Morning." Kai smile and slowly unwrapped himself from Nicolas's arms and sat up.

"Do you want me to make you some breakfast?" He asked Nicolas.

"Mhm." Nicolas hummed and scooted closer to bury his face in Kai's side.

"Okay I'll go to the bathroom and then make you some crepes. Is that good?" Kai asked and got a grunt of approval from Nicolas before getting out of bed and going to the bathroom.

After doing his business in the bathroom he came out to see Nicolas had fallen asleep again and smiled. He decided to take a shower before making breakfast so he borrowed a soft grey sweater and a pair of black sweatpants from Nic and grabbed a towel before going back in the bathroom.

After taking his shower he woke Nicolas up and went downstairs to start on the crepes. A few minutes later Nicolas came down and smiled at Kai before sitting on the counter stool.

"Is that my favourite sweater?" Nic asked as he eyed the grey sweater his best friend was wearing.

"Maybe?" Kai meekly said as he poured some syrup over Nic's crepes and applied Nutella to his.

Nicolas chuckled and shook his head at the adorable boy who kept stealing his favourite clothes.

Not that he had any problem with it.

Yesterday after they had watched a movie they had eaten lunch and then Kai played some video games while Nicolas laid his head on his lap and read a book. After doing that they had went out to buy some much needed grocery and came back home. Kai had made Nicolas some dinner while dancing to a song and Nicolas had watched him with a smile on his face.

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