Chapter Six

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"Okay class here are your results from the documents you gave me last week." Miss Bianca said passing the math documents to the students.

"Good job Nicolas." She told him when she passed his and Kai peered over to see his results.

"What did you get?" He asked and Nic turned to him with a smirk.

"What do you think?" He said and showed him the paper for Kai to see he had a perfect score.

"Nerd." Kai muttered and Nicolas chuckled, grabbing Kai's document to see he had a B.

"You should have worked with me." Nic said.

"You know I wanted to! I couldn't because-"

"Kai! We got a B, isn't that great!" A voice screeched and they both turned their heads to the grinning girl.

"Oh-um yeah I guess." Kai chuckled and then glanced at Nic who was looking at Mary with an annoyed expression.

"Why don't we hang out to celebrate! Dinner tonight?" She asked with a hopeful smile and Kai internally groaned.

"He can't." Nic said and grabbed Kai's hand under the table to control his growing annoyance.

"And why not?" Mary asked turning to face Nicolas who was giving her a bored look.

"He's having dinner with me." Nicolas answered and she gave him a glare and the fact that he was just giving her a bored stare only made her anger rise.

"Umm." Kai said breaking the tense atmosphere in the air, and giving Mary a sorry but not sorry smile.

"Sorry Mary but like Nic said I already have plans."

"Fine maybe another time." She huffed and turned around.

"There won't be another time right?" Nicolas asked turning to face Kai who smiled at him.

"There won't." He answered squeezing Nic's hand who smiled at the reassurance.

There was a knock on the door that broke their moment and they glanced at the front of the class where the principal entered with an unfamiliar boy following him.

He had dirty blond hair and even from the back Kai could see his bright blue eyes that were brimming under the classroom's light. Kai was shocked to see the boy's eyes lock on Nicolas and when he turned to look at Nicolas he saw him widely smiling at the boy.

"Sorry to disturb your class Miss Bianca, but you have a new student that'll be joining your class. This is Rex and I hope everyone will treat him well." The principal said turning to the students in the classroom to give them a small smile and then left leaving Rex who was still smiling back at Nicolas and the teacher at the front.

"Hello Rex why don't you tell us something about you before sitting down?" Miss Bianca asked kindly making him turn to look at her instead of Nicolas which made Kai feel less restless.

But he could still feel the squeezing in his chest at seeing Nicolas smile widely at someone who wasn't him. Not that Nicolas only smiled at Kai but still.

There was something that he didn't like about the boy and he didn't know why he was feeling like that.

"Sure." Rex answered with an easy smile. "My name's Rex and I just moved from New York with my dad a couple days back."

New York?

Kai realized that they had probably met on Nicolas's trip.

But how?

And what did they do?

Did they watch movies and cuddle like Nicolas did with him? Or did they tour the city and have fun together?

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