Chapter Two

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Kai was bouncing on his toes, his eyes roaming the crowd of people, searching for his best friend. He had begged his dad to let him borrow his car so he could pick Nicolas up himself. His parents were very surprised that he voluntarily woke up at 6:00am. He was usually always complaining about waking up at 7:30 for school but today he was filled with energy as he was eating his breakfast.

"Kai." He heard a familiar voice say and when he turned around his face broke into a huge smile at the sight of his best friend.

Nicolas was wearing a black hoodie with black sweatpants and his usual neat chocolate brown hair was messy and ruffled. His slightly tan complexion made his beautiful green eyes pop out more then usual. His chiseled features resembled a stony mask that he only ever removed around Kai and his glasses that Kai adored but never admitted of sat comfortably on the bridge of his nose.

Kai jogged towards his best friend and immediately wrapped him in a hug. People at school always found it weird how these two never bro hug and instead just normally hug with Kai's arms around Nicolas's neck and his around Kai's waist. Slowly everyone got used to their odd friendship and decided to ignore their act of affection every now and then.

Nicolas buried his face into Kai's neck, tightening his arms around his waist and sighed in relief at the comforting scent of lemons and watermelon.

He was finally home.

"I missed you." Nicolas said when they pulled away. He only ever said those words to Kai and no one else but Kai. Nicolas does not like to show much affection to people not even to his own mother but with Kai it naturally came to him.

"I missed you too. It was so boring without you I thought I was gonna die." Kai said dramatically and Nicolas chuckled.

"Good morning Kai." He heard Nicolas's mother, Luciana greet him and he faced her with a polite smile.

"Good morning Luciana." He replied and glanced at her appearance. She always looked so professional even after a long flight. Her brown hair was neatly placed in a bun at the top of her head and she worse a black blouse with a black skirt that came to her knees. Her green eyes, identical to her son's were on display without her usual glasses but since her eyesight wasn't as bad as Nicolas she would be just fine to make it home.

"Nicolas, I have to go to the company. Do you mind taking a taxi-"

"That's okay! I drove my dad's car here so I'll give him a ride." Kai cut her off with a small smile to make it less rude and Louisa nodded.

"Okay I'll see you later then." She said and with a final nod left the two boys on their own.

"Come on let's go!" Kai said and grabbed Nicolas smaller bag so his best friend would only have to drag along his big suitcase behind him.

"You know I can hold that right?" Nicolas said and Kai did know that. Even if Nicolas was a complete nerd he was also much taller and stronger then Kai was. Nicolas frequently went to the gym and had a very healthy diet in comparaison to Kai who eats a lot of junk food and goes to the gym a few times per month. Kai does sometime play soccer just like his older brother but he was not as passionate as he was.

"Yes I know but I want to help you." Kai smiled and Nicolas nodded as they went outside of the airport and into the parking lot. They put the bags in the truck before they settled in the car and Kai started driving.

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