Chapter Nine

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"I'm nervous." Kai said biting his lip as he looked at the large soccer field.

"Don't worry Kai, they'll win." Nicolas said but even he was a little nervous for Arthur.

He was even more determined then usual to win against Ridge High because of Leon and Noelle. Nicolas feared that his personal feelings would get in the way as he played and he hoped that Arthur didn't do anything stupid. But he also had faith in his friend and he knew how much soccer meant to Arthur and that hopefully he would keep his head in the game.

"Hey guys!" Noelle cheered as she finally found them in the bleachers. She sat next to Kai and passed him his hot chocolate he had asked for.

"Hey. Thank you!" Kai said and Nicolas also greeted her.

"Are you wearing Arthur's jersey?" Nic asked with raised eyebrows noticing the red shirt she was wearing.

"Of course I always wear it whenever he has a game." She nodded with a small smile.

"But aren't you like dating Leon now? Wouldn't he want you to wear his?" Kai asked curiously.

"Yeah he did ask, but Arthur is my best friend first. And how can I not support my own school's team?" She shrugged and Kai smiled glad that she had decided to do this. If she had supported Leon he didn't know how Arthur would have reacted. Surely he would have been hurt.

"The games starting!" Noelle cheered and clapped loudly as both teams took their positions.

Even from here Kai could feel the cackling tension between the teams and he nervously sipped at his hot chocolate.

As the game went on his anxiousness grew as both teams failed to score. It was almost half time when one of Leon's teammates had the ball and was running closer and closer to the goal with Arthur running behind him.

Arthur had managed to catch up to him and they were fighting for the ball when a another player of the other team ran towards them. The boy was about to pass the ball to the other teammate when Arthur swiftly blocked it and had the ball under his feet. Before he could even thinking about doing something the other boy took the ball and tripped Arthur in the process.

"Arthur!" Noelle gasped.

Kai was sure he saw him kick Arthur's leg but he was to far to know for sure. He waited for the referee to call foul but he never did.

"What the heck!" Kai muttered and glanced at Nicolas worriedly.

The boy continued to make his way to the goal and passed the ball to his teammates who was closest to him which was Leon.

"Oh no..." Kai muttered, he wanted to close his eyes but couldn't.

Just as he expected Leon received the ball before running a few feet ahead and shooting. The goalie jumped and tried to catch the ball but it brushed his gloved fingers before tumbling into the goal.

"Shit." Nicolas said and Kai groaned as the audience cheered and clapped.

He glanced at Noelle and was shocked to see she wasn't even clapping considering it was Leon who scored but instead glancing worriedly at Arthur who had a devastated look on his face as his teammates checked up on him.

"They'll be fine. He'll be fine. We still have the other half to make up for it." Nicolas tried his best to assure both of them but they were both to nervous to calm down. Kai set his empty hot chocolate cup at his feet and grabbed Nicolas's hand for comfort.

He would have grabbed Noelle's hand to give her comfort but she was still tightly clenching her drink around her finger.

After the second half started Arthur's team was very heated and determined to score. The other team had a very good defense though and were blocking anyone who came close to their goal.

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