Chapter Thirty

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It has been two weeks since Kai and Nicolas came back from New York. They were now back at school and things were going very well. Luciana has yet to come back but Nicolas doesn't think she will.

This morning when Nicolas woke up he tried to call Kai but the younger boy wasn't answering. After eating breakfast, Nicolas tried again but was left with no response. He was growing worried so he decided to drive to Kai's house.

When he arrived, he rang the doorbell and was met with Kai's dad.

"Good morning." Nicolas smiled.

"Good morning. What are you doing here?" The older man asked and Nicolas answered that he was looking for Kai.

After being told that Kia has been in his room the whole day without even coming down to eat his breakfast, Nicolas climbed up the stairs, his worry growing.

He opened Kai's bedroom door softly and his heart dropped at the sight he was met with.

Kai was sitting on his desk chair, his forehead pressed against the desk, his hands clutching at his hair and his shoulders were shaking.

Was he..crying?

"Kai?" Nicolas whispered moving closer to him before softly removing his hands from pulling at his hair.  "Baby, what's wrong?"

Kai looked up at Nicolas in surprise with bloodshot eyes and a few traces of tears tracing down his flushed cheeks.

"N-Nicolas?" Kai hiccuped. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to check on you." Nicolas said softly and then bent down until he was crouching in front of Kai. "Tell me what's wrong sweetheart."

"I-just- it's stupid." Kai frowned to himself, wiping his face in embarrassment.

"Nothing that bothers you can be stupid." Nicolas told him firmly before getting up and in one quick movement he had picked Kai up in his arms.

Kai shrieked in surprise, wrapping his arms around Nicolas's neck and keeping his legs locked around his waist to prevent him from falling. "What are you doing?!"

Nicolas didn't answer and instead moved to sit on the bed like they had when Kai came looking for him at the hotel. He pulled Kai closer until there was no space left between them at all before cupping his red face and making him look at him, "Tell me what's wrong"

"I-um." Kai was beyond flustered at their positions and at the way Nicolas was acting but with the way his boyfriend was looking at him he knew there was no way he was going to let go of this without an answer.

"Ever since we've been back at school all these teachers have been giving us so much work. And I don't understand so much of it and when I try to ask, even their explanations suck. I have to hand in much stuff tomorrow and I don't understand anything. I know it's really stupid but I started to feel stupid and then I started to think about all these t-things and then I just started to cry." Kai explained, looking down in embarrassment.

"Baby." Nicolas said with a frown. "Why didn't you tell me about this? You know I would have helped you."

"I didn't want you to think I'm stupid. I also didn't want to bother you because you also have a lot of stuff to do." Kai mumbled and Nicolas' gaze softened.

"I can never be too busy for you Kai, and you're not stupid. I could never think that about you and you shouldn't either. It doesn't mean that you don't understand something that you're stupid." Nicolas told him firmly and Kai slowly nodded

"Next time this happens I want you to tell me okay? Or else I will be very upset." Nicolas demanded.

"Okay." Kai mumbled.

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