Chapter Thirty One

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Luciana walked towards them with confidence in her stride and while Kai uncomfortably shifted on his feet Nicolas gave her a hard stare.

"What are you doing here mom?" He asked tightly.

"I came to talk to you." She said and they both frowned at her.

Talk? She wanted to talk? Hadn't she talked enough as it is?

"Why?" Nicolas asked.

"May I speak to you alone?" She asked, shifting her gaze to look at Kai who stared back at her with what could be considered a glare.

"Baby." Kai looked up to Nicolas who was giving him a small reassuring smile. "Will you wait for me in my room?"

Kai nodded despite his frown and lent up to leave a small kiss on his boyfriend's jaw, ignoring Luciana's hard stare on them. "I love you."

Nicolas felt himself lose some of the tension at the words and he gave Kai the softest smile, conveying the message that he loved him too.

Kai left the mother and son alone while he made his way to Nicolas's room.

Once Kai was out of sight Nicolas returned his attention to his mother and stared at her, not knowing how to feel. Her words and her actions had hurt him deeply and he still couldn't believe that she went that far. She tried to take everything he loved away from him and now she was standing here again in front of him asking to talk?

"What is it you wanted to say?" Nicolas asked as he sat down on the couch and she did the same on the opposite one.

"I wanted to apologize." She said and Nicolas looked up at her with wide eyes, not expecting that at all.

"For what?" He asked.

"For being a horrible mother. For forcing you to do those things. For not understanding the bond between you and Kai." She said and Nicolas furrowed his brows at her.

"Why now? After everything you did, you're now realizing what you did?" He asked.

"I..I always knew that what I was doing was wrong but I ignored it. I ignored all the warnings that rang through my head. I ignored Alex when he tried to help me get better. I ignored your pleas for me to let you be. I just ignored everything because I wanted you to have a good life. I wanted you to follow your father's footsteps." She explained and again he looked at her with confusion.

"What do you mean?" He demanded.

"Your father and I got married through a business deal as well. But we fell in love and we were so so happy together. But then everything fell apart. I just..I just wanted you to be able to have the life that we couldn't complete." She explained but Nicolas gave her an incredulous look.

"I can have that life with Kai. I can be happy with Kai. I don't need some kind of business marriage deal for me to be happy. That is ridiculous." He exclaimed.

"No- that's not the only thing. You're supposed to take over the hotel chains and that deal would have been very beneficial as well! I just wanted the best for you." She tried to make up for it but Nicolas had heard enough.

"Look." He sighed. "I think you need to learn a thing or two mom. Life isn't a business deal, my life isn't like that and I want you to stop treating it like it is!

If you want me to, I will continue my studies to take over the business because I know that's what dad would have wanted. That's what I want as well but I'm not going to engage in any kind of business deal that you want." He said and she nodded immediately.

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