Chapter Seven

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The next morning Kai was woken up by loud knocks on his door. He groaned and rolled over, smashing his face into his pillow and continued to snore.

"Kai, dear. Wake up, Nicolas is downstairs." Kai's mom's voice rang out from the other side of the door and his eyes shot wide open as he scrambled out of bed in shock. 

"What is he doing here?" Kai yelled while grabbing clothes and a towel from his wardrobe.

"He said he came to pick you up for breakfast before school." She answered before leaving to go back downstairs.

Kai hurried to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get ready. He was done in twenty minutes and made sure his hair looked good before running down the stairs and almost tripping down in the process.

"Careful there." Nicolas said coming over to stand at the bottom of the stairs with a small nervous smile.

"Hi" Kai mumbled, embarrassed. He was sure that when he faced Nicolas again he would give him the cold shoulder but now when he's standing right in front of him all he wanted to do was hug him. 

After a couple of moments of awkward silence Nicolas had enough of it and grabbed  Kai's hand to pull him into his chest in a hug that made Kai sigh in relief and wrap his arms around Nicolas' back.

"I'm so sorry Kai. I swear I didn't mean to cancel on you or leave you hanging like that but my phone died before I could explain and then when I finally charged it you wouldn't answer and I'm just really sorry." He explained, his neck still buried in Kai's neck and arms tightly holding the smaller boy to his chest.

Kai recurrently pulled away from the hug but Nicolas made sure he was still holding his hands tightly, refusing to let go of them.

"But why did you have to cancel?" Kai asked still confused about the situation.

"Come on let's sit" Nic said and led Kai to the couch where they sat, hands still tightly intertwined.

"I was getting ready to come pick you up when Rex called me." Nicolas started making Kai frown in distaste.

"He told me his dad collapsed." Kai's eyes widened in shock and his whole being became consumed with guilt.

"W-what? Is he okay?" Kai stammered in shock.

"Yes he's better now but he was rushed to the hospital and Rex had no idea what to do since he doesn't know anyone here except me and my mom." More guilt clawed at Kai for being so stupid and petty.

"I'm sorry" He murmured and Nicolas frowned in confusion. "Why are you sorry?"

"Because I'm stupid. I was upset for no good reason and instead of thinking rationally I ignored your texts and calls and I even agreed to that-" Kai shut his mouth realizing he was about to tell Nicolas about the dinner with Mary.

"You agreed to what?" Nic asked before adding, "You're not stupid, Kai. You had every right to be upset."

"No I didn't" Kai muttered and ignored Nic's question.

"Kai" Nicolas said.


"What did you agree to?"

"Nothing" Kai said and looked at him with big, innocent eyes.

Nic smirked and grabbed Kai's chin tilting his head and bent down until there was only an inch of distance in between their faces. Kai's breath hitched and his eyes widened as he looked into Nicolas's shimmering green eyes.

"Tell me." Nic whispered bringing his other hand to softly stroke Kai's cheek and rubbing his lower lip with the pad of his thump.

"I...I agreed to the dinner." Kai admitted, his heart racing in his chest and Nicolas smiled in victory, letting his hands drop from Kai's face before frowning in confusion.

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