Bonus Chapter #2

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Please read the AN at the end! :)


Nicolas groaned as he rolled around in his office chair staring at the clock on his wall. He was tired and bored of staying in his office and missed his husband. He had texted Kai but didn't receive an answer so he was now sulking.

Just as he rolled back towards his door he heard a knock and he called out to the person to come in who turned out to be his assistant.

"Mr Jenson, you asked me to inform you when Mr Martinez visits the hotels, right?" He asked and Nicolas smiled with a nod.

When they had gotten married they decided to switch last names so he was now Nicolas Jenson and Kai was now Kai Martinez.

"Yes, has he?" Nicolas asked, already getting up from his seat.

"Yes he just arrived at the one in downtown." His assistant, William said as he followed his boss. "But you have a meeting in thirty minutes sir!"

"Reschedule it!" Nicolas called behind him as he entered the elevator with a grin and William sighed.

Nicolas immediately drove to the hotel where his angel was to surprise him, as finally his boredom washed away.

When he arrived he made his way to the kitchen where he knew Kai was inspecting the work from his workers.

After they graduated Nicolas took over the hotels as promised but continued to work on his writing on the side which was hard to manage but he somehow pulled it off. Kai had also followed his dream of becoming a chef, Nicolas had given him complete power of the restaurants in his hotels after they got married and no one protested.

Of course Kai had said no at first, as he said it was unfair that he got that privilege simply because they were married but Nicolas reminded him of how hard he worked and then used his convincing skills to make sure Kai agreed.

When Nicolas entered the kitchen he immediately spotted his baby leaning over the counter and giving instructions to one of the cooks.

He smiled as he approached him from behind and when the lady standing in front of Kai saw him he motioned for her to not say anything. When Kai was finally in his reach Nicolas wrapped his arms around his waist from behind and lent his chin on his shoulder which made Kai jump in surprise.

"Hi baby." Nicolas murmured when Kai turned his head to scowl at him.

"Nicolas!" Kai groaned with a shake of his head. "You can't show up every single time I come to one of your hotels."

"Yes I can." Nicolas smirked. "After all I have to make sure everything is in order as well, don't I?"

"What do you mean?" Kai muttered just as the lady left them alone in that section of the kitchen when she saw Nicolas motion her to leave. "I thought I was the one who was supposed to check that everything is well?"

"I have to check on the chef of course." Nicolas said, rubbing Kai's stomach. "I have to make sure he's eaten."

He moved his hand higher until it rested on his throat. "Make sure he drunk enough water."

He then grasped Kai's hips and turned him around to face him. "Make sure he's not deprived of any attention from his husband." And then he kissed Kai straight on the lips in the middle of the busy and full kitchen.

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