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I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes I feel like I rushed through the editing.


Questions for Nicolas

Q: What if Kai goes off with some other guy? What if he falls out of love?

Then I'll be really fucking heartbroken and cry.

Q: Hey Nicolas, what would you do if Kai dies?

Shut the fuck up.

Q: What if Kai cheats?

Kai would never fucking do that and if he does then again I'd be heartbroken and cry.

Q: Have you ever wondered, what if Kai didn't like you?

I'd cry.

(But I saw all the signs and I knew he had some kinds of feelings for me)

Q: What if Kai was straight

Again, I'd cry. But he would still be my best friend no matter what.

Q:What are your favourite things about Kai that you love the most?

I love how sweet and adorable he is. Every time I see him I just want to take him into my arms and protect him. I also love his smile and laughs. I love his cooking. I love-

*and the list goes on*

Q:how did your relationship with your mom turn out? Was she at the wedding?

I slowly started reconnecting with her but I honestly did not want her at the wedding because I didn't want my angel to be uncomfortable but Kai told me to invite her because it would be a terrible thing not to.

She showed up and was as nice as she could be.

Q: Can I be your new mother? Too bad I already am.

How old are you? And I already have a mother...

Q: if you could change one thing about Kai then what would it be?

Nothing I love my baby just the way he is.

But we are slowly working on his confidence together and he's getting much better at telling me when something bothers him.

Q: Do you intend on going further with your relationship with Kai?

Future Nic: I'm married to him?

High school Nic: I want to marry him.

Q: no questions but I love you

Um thank you?

Q: Do you have a sister or cousin I can date?

No? maybe a distant cousin somewhere out there.

Q:please tell us how you realized you started liking Kai?

*this was mentioned in chapter 20 when he confessed his love*

We were both 13 and I was slowly realizing how much I wanted to protect and be with Kai but I really truly realized it when I found him one day crying because a teacher yelled at him.

Q: What was your biggest fight with Kai about?

We don't really fight a lot since I rarely get mad at him and I hate it when he gets upset with me and always talk to him about it.

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