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The spacious backyard of the villa which the families were staying at was beautifully decorated. The chairs were all perfectly placed and there were white lilies placed on the ground on both sides of the chairs to make the aisle. The wedding aisle.

Kai's mom was happily staring at the decorations as she was finally satisfied with how everything looked after months of preparation.

Her son was finally getting married after all these years.

Most people were running around to prepare for the arrival of the guest or were attending to the bride and groom.

But Nicolas and Kai were in an empty room in the villa, heavily making out.

"N-Nicolas w-we should stop." Kai managed to get out as Nicolas unbuttoned his shirt to leave kisses on his chest.

Everything was going fine until Nicolas caught site of Kai in his suit and he had immediately picked up his boyfriend and brought him into the room.

"But I don't want to." Nicolas murmured as he gripped Kai's legs around his waist.

"B-but-" Kai cut himself off as an embarrassing moan slipped past his lips when Nicolas wrapped his lips around his nipple and sucked.

"You feel so good baby." Nicolas said as he rocked his hips against Kai's making them both groan.

"N-Nicolas!" Kai whimpered and then Nicolas's lips were pressed against his as he continued to move his hips to create friction.

"Just a bit more." He said in between kisses but Kai finally found his will and pulled away from the kiss to glare at his boyfriend.

"I let you have your way at home this morning and last night and now you want to go at it again?" He asked and Nicolas nodded with a smile which made him look adorable but Kai had to be strong.

Kai suddenly had an idea how to make Nicolas yield and he internally smirked.

"But babe." He whined with a pout holding Nicolas's face in his hands. "I'm already hurting and have trouble walking and now you want to do it again? Don't you care about me?"

Nicolas's eyes immediately filled with guilt and he immediately let Kai back on his feet and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry baby. I was acting so selfish wasn't I?" Nicolas said and Kai smiled into his chest as he tried to contain his giggles.

"Did I hurt you a lot? Are you sure you're okay? Why didn't you tell me to stop this morning if you were already sore?" Nicolas asked.

"Well...I-" Kai didn't know what he could possibly say because the truth was that he wanted Nicolas to do all those things that morning and if Nic hadn't started the advances he would have done it himself.

Thankfully his phone rang which saved him and he immediately answered.

"Kai? Where are you? It's my wedding day and you disappeared!" He heard the shout of his brother on the other end of the call and he winced.

"I'm sorry, I'm coming!" He replied buttoning his shirt back up and trying his best to fix his disheveled appearance.

After Lee told him where he was he hung up the phone.

"I gotta go find Lee, I'll see you later!" Kai ran out of the room before Nicolas could even respond.

I thought he couldn't even walk? Nicolas thought to himself as he stood there, dumbfounded, watching his little boyfriend run out of the room.


Kai stood next to Elijah, one of Lee's closest friend as they waited for the bride to arrive. Elijah, Kai and a college friend of Lee were the groomsmen while Marcus, Lee's best friend, was the best man. Kai could see Lee getting nervous as each second passed by but he could also see the excitement of finally getting married to the love of his life.

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