Chapher Twenty Four

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"And that's what happened..." Kai finished off as he stared at the wide eyed man who was Rex's father. The man was young and quite handsome, he had the whole rich man appeal and looked good enough to be a movie star.

"You're telling me Nicolas and you are dating and Luciana lied to me when she told me Nicolas had agreed to the deal with the Collins?" He asked and there was a hint of anger in his eyes as Kai and Rex nodded.

The Collins were Angelica's family. Kai had found out that they were another company with many hotel branches all around the world and Luciana had made that deal which involved Nicolas and Angelica getting married in the next four years to merge the companies.

Kai had felt physically sick when he heard the word marriage.

"Dad will you help us?" Rex added with big innocent eyes and his dad sighed.

"What do you need?"

"Well.. can you book us plane tickets? To New York? We'll be back before school starts again with Nicolas." He pleaded.

"Okay fine. If I could I would have came with you but I have a lot to attend to here. You guys are going to be fine on your own?" He asked and the boys nodded.

"Kai you need to ask your parents first though. Tell them to give me a call if they have any doubts." He said sliding his business card across the coffee table which Kai carefully picked up.

"Also dad.." Rex started. "Could you talk to Luciana into letting Nicolas come back? Maybe she'll listen to you."

"I will try my best but I cannot guarantee anything, she is a very stubborn woman. But if she doesn't let him come back, anything that we had between us is over." He said firmly.

"Now go on I'll book you guys a late flight tonight and you'll land early tomorrow morning. Kai go home and talk to your parents and then pack your bags." He said standing up and they did too.

"Yes sir." Kai nodded his head and the stern man cracked a smile.

"You can call me Alex." He said.


Kai stared nervously at his parents who sat from across him on the kitchen table. He had came out to his mother so suddenly and thankfully she had a good reaction but he still has to tell his dad.

"What do you want to tell us sweetie?" His mom asked sweetly with a soft smile that comforted him.

"Dad you probably know this since apparently everyone except me knew about it but I'm gay." He blurted out and his dad raised an eyebrow and nodded his head.

"And you're dating Nicolas?" He filled in when Kai stopped talking and the boy blushed but nodded his head.

"No matter what I will always love you and Lee. You don't need to be afraid to tell me anything. Just be careful okay?" He said and Kai smiled widely.

"I love you too dad." Kai replied and his dad cleared his throat, looking away.

"There's something else." He said brining back their attention.

"Nicolas's mom took him away by force and me and Rex, Nicolas's friend and well mine, we want to bring him back home." He said all in one breath.

"Bring him from where?" His mom asked curiously.

"New York." He mumbled and his mom's eyes widened.

"Absolutely not." His dad said and Kai's heart dropped.

"Dad please." He begged. "I won't be alone! Rex will be with me and then we'll find Nicolas and I'm always safe with Nicolas. I'll call you and keep you updated on everything."

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