Chapter Ten

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Nicolas walked into the kitchen after leaving Kai to get the promised drinks. When he arrived at the serving table he saw Rex managing it and he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"What are you doing?" He asked his friend.

"I'm watching over the drinks." Rex replied in an obvious tone and Nic rolled his eyes.

"Nice costume you got there." He grinned at the chef costume, it reminded him of his sweet little Kai who will one day become a professional chef, Nicolas was sure of it.

"Can I get two of the fruity drinks? No alcohol." He asked and Rex nodded, pouring the liquid in red cups.

"Why are you doing this? Isn't this your first party here? Shouldn't you enjoy?" Nicolas inquired and Rex sighed.

"You know I won't enjoy a party without Julie. I also want to make sure no one gets hurt because of what they drink tonight." Rex murmured as he recalled the way his own sweet girl had almost gotten hurt because of the fact that someone had attempted to drug her.

"You're a good guy, Rex." Nicolas said and his friend scoffed at him despite the small smile he had on his face.

"You have your drinks now go back to your sweetheart." Rex shooed him away after they talked a little bit about how Julie and him were doing. Nicolas rolled his eyes despite the grin on his face at Kai being called his sweetheart.

As he walked back in the main room where he left his angel he was surprised to see him no longer sitting at the table.

He glanced at the dance floor and spotted Arthur and Noelle closely dancing to the music. If he wasn't so worried for Kai he would have smiled at the sight, instead he pushed past the dancing couple and grabbed Arthur's arm to turn him around to face him.

"Where's Kai?" Nicolas asked keeping his voice calm and not yet letting himself panic.

"He's sitting at the table." Arthur said with a confused frown but he too looked back at the table and his eyes widened when he saw that Kai wasn't there.

"Maybe he went to the bathroom?" He said unsurely but they both knew that Kai would have told them before leaving.

"Why would you leave him alone!" Nicolas almost shouted at his friend as he ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down before making his way to the bathroom and sure enough his little Kai wasn't in there.

When he went back in the main room he was surprised to see Rex glaring at a girl while yelling at her as she cowered back from him.

"What's going on?" He asked his friend.

"She has been mixing this in drinks!" He exclaimed raising a small packet of some sort of substance.

"What is that?" Nicolas asked confusedly.

"I-I haven't been mixing them in drinks! I only gave them to my friend so she could have some fun with a guy she's been pining on. It only makes the person feel tired and drunk!" She tried to explain but Rex was still shaking with anger.

"Which friend?"


"What?" Nicolas all but growled slamming his hand on the table next to him when he heard the name. The girl flinched at the noise while Arthur looked at him with wide eyes, him too realizing what was happening.

Nicolas turned around before running up the stairs and opening the doors of the closed rooms.

The first door he opened and he was met with a couple that was in the middle of a very heavy make out session.

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