Chapter Thirteen

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Cordelia read it over twice, she was angry to say the least, Willow didn't seem to understand just how much of a 'bitch' Madison can be, she literally pushed one of Cordelia's old friends into a coffin for god's sake! Cordelia knew that Willow would take care of herself, but she also knew that Madison could do the same. Deciding that Willow was with her friends and that she was an adult, Cordelia said to herself that she would give them until one in the morning to get back, if they weren't back by then, then she would go pick them up.

Back at the bar, four drinks later and with plenty of tequila shots, the three witches were drunk to say the least. Zoe had tried to stay with Willow but ended up getting pulled away by Nan to dance, and Madison was thankfully at the other end of the bar trying to chat up some dude, so Willow was left pretty much alone. By now the building was very full. The mixture of beer and sweat was the prominent smell and the air was hot from the lack of open windows (considering it was winter this wasn't a surprise) and the dancing, the dance floor was crammed with bodies of drunken adults and the lights were almost blinding. The music was deafening and Willow was gaining a headache from the atmosphere so she grabbed her coat and stood in the parking lot for some air.

She stepped out the door into the freezing wind and took a deep breath, Willow liked going out but it got a bit much when it was past midnight and she had been drowning in crowds for hours, getting pressed against the wall when someone bumped into her and trying not to spill her drink wasn't too fun either. To be fair it was more of a club than a bar at night. Looking around she found a bench to sit on for the time being until she was ready to go back inside so she shuffled over and sat down. A few minutes past of her just observing the world, it was a weird feeling to be honest, she just watched as car sped by, families singing and smiling as they drove past, young couples snuggling up against each other and holding hands to try and gain some amount of warmth as she walked through the night.

Willow wondered what would happen with Cordelia when she got back, she wondered if Cordelia had seen the note and listened and went to bed, or if she was sitting on the black leather sofa, curled up under a blanket and counting the minutes until she heard the door unlock so she could pounce onto Willow, either hugging her or slapping her, whatever option she choice it would be a fair one. "Hey girl" Madison slurred as she walked outside, stumbling over herself when she stood by the bench, "How are you."

"Madison hi, I'm umm, fine" Willow stood up and tried to gain a bit of space from her but Madison smirked and kept walking forward, this continued until Willow felt a fence behind her and she stood still, bracing herself for Madison's slap. Instead, she felt two arms hug her tightly, "Uh Madison?" Willow questioned, pulling her neck back a little so she could check it was really her. "You're a good friend Willow" Madison laughed, "You annoy me a lot, but you're nice" She slurred. "Thanks" Willow sighed and realised that Madison was clearly very drunk, and would probably forget this in the morning so she decided to just go with it.

"So Madison, what have you been up to tonight?" Willow sat back down and Madison practically fell onto the seat with her, still relying on Willow's shoulder to stand a little. "I met this cute boy, he was very cute, but he had a girlfriend. And i have a boyfriend" She nodded and pulled a box out a box of cigarettes, taking two out then lighting them and giving one to Willow. Not wanting to be rude Willow obviously took it, she had smoked once or twice in the past but as she held it to her lips and inhaled the toxic scent she immediately started coughing. Madison laughed (obviously) and tried to teach her how to properly take the smoke in, "Here idiot, you need to not suck it all in at once, take it slow" She giggled and showed Willow. She copied and after a couple attempts managed to take it down without having a coughing fit. "I see you two have made up" Zoe laughed walking around the corner, finding the pair giggling over cigarettes. "Madisons really drunk, so I decided to make the most of it" Willow laughed, looking to her left to see Madison still giggling at their previous conversation. "Nans transmuted home, she felt sick. So what exactly are you two doing?" Zoe explained, sitting down next to Willow. "We, my dear, are smoking and talking about how Willow cannot smoke" Madison laughed again, the other two witches laughed for a while as well at the blonde's idiocy.

They stayed outside and chatted for about half an hour before a car pulled into the parking lot, a car they all knew too well. "Seriously?" Cordelia yelled as she got out of the drivers side, "You three do realise its quarter past one in the morning, and you're sitting outside, in the cold, in the middle of the night! Do you know just how many things could have happened to you?" She carried on yelling, Madison started laughing again and stood up, walking over to Cordelia and hugging her, much to Cordelia's surprise. "She's really drunk," Willow explained and pulled Madison off Cordelia. "I'm taking you all home, get in the car" The older witch sighed. She noticed Willow's cigarette in her hand and grabbed it before throwing it on the floor and stamping on it, "Let me guess, Madisons? Or do I need to worry about you smoking as well as acting like a child" She glared at Willow, clearly annoyed.

Willow nodded and went to go sit in the back of the chair but saw it was already taken by Madison and Zoe, so she was forced to sit in the front. Cordelia letured the three witches the whole way home, which to be fair was only about five minutes but with her angry and yelling it felt like an eternity in hell. "I don't care about you going to the bar by any means, you three are grown women, do what you like. But do not be so stupid to sit outside in the middle of the night when you're all drunk, do you not realise how dangerous that is? You could have been grabbed, or worse!" She yelled at them as she parked the car. "Cordy i know you care about us but please yell a little quieter, i have a headache" Madison slurred and rubbed her head. "I wonder why" Cordelia muttered under her breath as she stepped out of the car. They all followed and went up the stairs, Zoe helped Madison into her room while Willow planned to go to Cordelia and apologise to her but just as she was about to walk into her room Cordelia shut the door behind her and Willow didn't need to hear a lock to know that Cordelia clearly didn't want company tonight.

Willow opened the door to her room and stepped inside, sighing as she noticed the cover brought back and the pillow and blanket moved, and the note missing from her dresser. She walked inside and grabbed an oversized hoodie to sleep in since it was cold, and got ready for bed. She brushed her teeth and had a quick shower to scrub off the sweat from (forced) dancing with her friends. Willow put her damp hair into a low ponytail and was about to go into bed when she heard a quiet knock at her door, guessing who it was she told Cordelia to come in.

"Hi" She smiled and stood awkwardly by the side of her bed. Cordelia practically ran into Willow's room and clung to the young witch as she hugged her, seeing her eyes more clearly than in the car now she could see the smeared mascara that she probably tried to wipe away but Willow could see the slight remains of it just under her eyes, Cordelia was wearing a silk pair vest top and shorts that were light blue and had her hair put into a messy bun. "Cordelia are you ok?" Willow asked, suddenly worried, "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier" She whispered into Willow neck, where her head was currently nestled. "I'm sorry for making you upset," Willow sighed, rubbing Cordelia's back. She moved them to the bed and sat down, letting Cordelia lean against her side. "Madison can just be a bit much, she locked one of my old friends in a coffin last time I left her alone with someone she didn't particularly like. I just didn't want her to hurt you" Cordelia explained, Willow nodded and chose to just leave out the part about Madison actually being really fun when she drunk as she could see the pain in Cordelia's eyes at the idea of Willow getting hurt, did she really care about her that much?

"Cordelia I'm sorry, I really am" Willow repeated as she laid down and patted next to her for Cordelia to lay next to her. She moved next to Willow and cuddled up against her, placing her arm around the witches waist and resting her head on Willow's chest, hearing her heartbeat. "Delia can i ask you something?" Willow whispered once they had finally settled, "Sure sweetheart, what is it?" Cordelia moved her head slightly and pressed a small kiss on Willow's collarbone. "When we were arguing earlier and I raised my voice, you flinched, do you wanna talk about it?" Willow asked looking down at Cordelia. "I had a husband, it was a few years back now, he's long gone," She began, her voice shaking slightly, "He, we used to fight, a lot. He raised his voice and it's just kind of a reflex, he didn't hurt me ever, he was a good man, he just used to get really loud" She explained quietly. "Dee you know I would never do anything to hurt you right? Physically or mentally. Thank you for telling me about him, I promise I won't raise my voice anymore, I'm sorry." Willow hugged Cordelia, she nodded and they settled down again and eventually fell asleep.

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