Chapter Sixteen

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Hey, I'm going to be honest with you all before you read, I don't know when this will be updated again. My mental health is kinda in free fall at the moment and I have had zero motivation to write, but I'll try and update when I can for you all :) - Ashlee

"So now we're umm, together together, I was wondering if maybe you wanna move your stuff into my room?" Cordelia asked as her and Willow walked together down the soon-to-be hidden trail from the greenhouse into the Academy, "Only if you want to of course, it's completely your choice and I understand if you may be uncomfortable with the idea-"

"I'll go start packing" Willow giggled and kissed Cordelia on the cheek. She skipped a little in front of the other woman, barely containing the excitement she felt. Of course Willow had relationships in the past, she had experimented with both men and women in college and had dated a few of said experiments but they never quite got to the 'hey let's move in together' stage, although Willow wasn't quite sure on whether or not it was the 'hey let's move in together stage', her and Cordelia had been living together for months now, maybe not living in the same room but she had literally been across the corridor from her and they had all their meals together, so not much was changing when she really thought about it.

Cordelia walked upstairs and into her room, looking around at the already empty bedside table at one side of the bed and the left half of the closet she had cleared for when she mustered up the courage to ask Willow to be her girlfriend, though Willow had seemed to have beaten her to it. She sat down on the side of her bed and let out a squeal, like an actual real squeal that you'd expect to come from a fifteen year old girl and most definitely not a fully grown woman. It's not that Cordelia had zero prior experience with relationships before, she of course had Hank, and Misty.

Misty. The name hadn't crossed her minds in what felt like years, Cordelia took a deep breath as she walked over to her desk and pulled open her drawer to find a picture of her and Misty sitting together on the bench in the secret garden, Misty was sitting on Cordelia's lap, her hair almost completely covering Cordelia's face as she attempted to squat it away, the moment being encaptured by their bright smiles. A wave of guilt passed through her, Misty took her to that garden, it was their secret spot that they shared together and now she had taken Willow there and acted like Misty's memory wasn't shattered all over it. It wasn't that she had forgotten about her dear Misty, she knew that no one could replace her, it's just that they promised to each other that if something ever happened to either of them then they would find love again, find someone that maybe made the pain hurt just that little bit less. That's all Cordelia was doing, she was just unholding her promise to Misty.

She took a last look at the picture, brushing away some dust that gathered on the glass frame with the pad of her thumb before pushing it down into the drawer and covering it with some paperwork. Cordelia stood up and went to the mirror, dabbing away a tear that had formed in the corner of her eye and smoothing down her clothes before making her way towards Willow's room.

"Knock knock" Cordelia smiled as she opened the door to find Willow hunting through her closet, "Hey Delia, do you mind giving me a hand maybe? I have no clue what I want to leave and what I want to put in our room, wow that sounds weird." Willow laughed and signalled for Cordelia to come over.

The couple spent the next hour and a half running back and forth from one room to another with piles of clothes that they hung up neatly Willows half of the closet, somehow fitting the majority of them in there and the rest was folded and placed in the set of drawers that Cordelia hadn't been using underneath one of the windows in the large room.Willow stood in the center of her new room and looked around at all the new things there. A few pieces of art were hung on the walls, giving a little colour to the otherwise white room, by the door Willow had placed her shoes in the little area Cordelia had situated her shoes (which was mostly filled with heels and a couple sets of high heeled boots). In the center of the wall with the door was her bed, it was definitely big enough for the both of them. Both of them. Willow hadn't quite realised she would be sharing a bed with Cordelia, she had before obviously but only once or twice when one of them had fell asleep in the others room, this was different, she couldn't exactly walk back into her own room if she preferred to sleep alone for the night, this was her room now.

"Willow?" Cordelia called from across the room. The younger witch looked up in her direction to find Cordelia holding up a set of pj's, "Mickey Mouse pj's? What are you, five?" Cordelia joked as she threw them onto Willows side of the bed, "Don't judge me" Willow teased, "They were a present from one of my friends back home." Cordelia nodded, still laughing a little, and sat down on the bed to look around at their progress.

"Well the room definitely seems more cluttered now"

"I think you mean exciting"

"Nah, I can already imagine all the extra cleaning i'm going to have to do, I did go in your room and I did see that pile of clothing that gathered in the corner of your closet" Cordelia glared playfully at Willow, "It was a washing pile, I wasn't going to put a tiny bit of washing on, it would be a waste of water and electric, so I just decided to wait for it to build up a little bit."

"I'm surprised you have any clothes left to wear" Cordelia laughed as Willow hit her shoulder lightly,

"That's mean!"

Cordelia pulled Willow down onto the bed with her before she could hit her again, Willow of course tried but couldn't quite manage with Cordelia torturing her via tickling. "This is bullying Delia! Let me go!" Willow wiggled around below the older witch, trying to get free, it was no use of course. Cordelia grabbed Willow's hands and pushed them above her head, keeping them there with her left hand while her right kept tickling her. Suddenly well aware of the position they were both in, Willow looked up at Cordelia, both of them making eye contact for a second or two before bursting out laughing. "I think you revealed a little something about yourself there Delia" Willow smirked, patting slightly as she caught her breath, Cordelia released her hands and they both sat up, Willow holding Cordelia's waist to stop her from falling off her lap and onto the floor. She smiled at Willow's little comment but decided to ignore it as her stomach rumbled a little, "I'm hungry."

"A little forward for just play fighting , don't you think?" Willow joked, Cordelia looked at her for a moment, her head tilting while she tried to understand what Willow meant, her eyes widening when she realised. "Oh my god Willow" She smacked her hand against Willows shoulder playfully, "I meant for food, come downstairs with me, it will be time for dinner soon anyways" Cordelia smiled as she got off Willow and pulled her up off of the bed and pulled her out their room and downstairs. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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