Chapter 12

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*Luke's POV*

"Luke, do you have any plans for Saturday?" Aria asks me on Wednesday during lunch.

"Actually, I forgot to tell you, but Calum, Ashton, Michael and I are going to California on Friday and we're going to be back in a week."

I feel awful when I see Aria's face drop, seeing her upset is like seeing a sad puppy.

For these past few days, Aria and I have been hanging out a lot and I asked her to be my girlfriend on Sunday while we were on a date. She said yes, of course, and we've been spending a lot of time together since then which is nice, she keeps my mind off of bad things.

Well, not bad things, but Ashton things. Calum told me that the two boys have been getting serious which made me upset, because I'm falling for Ashton a little more every time I see him. Which isn't the best thing since I now have a girlfriend who is really sweet and cute. But, it's not my fault, the heart wants what it wants.

"Oh, okay. Well, my parents are having this dinner thing, would you mind if I asked Nick to go with me? Just because my parents want me to bring someone, but just as friends of course." She explains and I nod in understanding.

I shouldn't be jealous of Aria going with her friend to a dinner, it wouldn't be fair. I still have a crush on Ashton, who am I to say she can't have friends taht are guys?


Now Friday, I rush around my room, grabbing random things that I'll need for California. Of course, I wouldn't pack anything the night before, or a couple days before. Apparently I think it's a good idea to wake up at ungodly hours in the morning and run around my room, looking for things to pack.

While shoving clothing into my suitcase, I hear a faint buzzing from somewhere and realize it's my phone. I groan and push around my sheets in my bed and don't see my phone anywhere in my bed. I try to listen for where it's coming from and I hear it coming fom my floor, so I get on my hands and knees and look for it. I eventually ended up seeing my phone under my bed and grab it, pressing the answer button.

"Hello?" I answer with a sigh.

"I'm going to be over in like 15 minutes and then we're going to go get Michael and Ashton, okay?" Calum asks on the phone who sounds too peppy for someone awake at 5 in the morning.

"Yeah, yeah." I say and hang up when Calum says goodbye to me.

I keep running around my room, making sure that I remembered everything. My phone charger, over a week worth of clothes, my toothbrush, hair gel, and a ton more.

Once I close my suitcase after double checking that I have everything, I lay down on my bed and close my eyes, regretting staying up until 3 in the morning.

I close my eyes and wish that I could sleep for just an hour, but I just have to stay awake for another hour because the plane leaves at 6:30.

"Luke, wake up! We gotta go." Calum yells at me 15 minutes later, walking into my room. I groan and stand up, rubbing me face, trying not to fall over.

"Okay, I'll meet you in the car, I gotta say bye to my mom." I reply and he nods, walking outside.

I grab my suitcase and walk down the hallway until I get to my mom's door and I knock, waiting for her to invite me in. When I hear her telling me to go inside, I open the door and walk over to her.

"I'm leaving for L.A now, love you." I bend down and hug my mom who hugs me back and kisses my cheek.

"Okay, I'll see you in a week. Love you." She says to me and lays back down while I walk out. "Remember to call me."

"I will." I respond with a chuckle and shut the door, grabbing my suitcase.

I walk downstairs and walk outside, locking the door when I get out. I turn around and see an annoyed Calum in his car, signaling for me to hurry up.

Once I put my suitcase in his car, I get in the front seat and look at who Calum who already starts driving.

Calum drives for a little and we talk about what we're going to do in California, Calum talking more than me considering I was half asleep through the entire conversation.

"Where's your car gonna go when we get on the plane?" I ask randomly.

"I'm gonna park it somewhere's and my parents are going to go get it later after I text them where it is." He responds and I nod, understanding.

We then proceed to pick Ashton up who is as tired as me and basically falls into Calum's car. Then, we go and get Michael who isn't tired.

On the way to the airport, Calum and Michael talked and talked while Ashton and I sat there with our eyes closed.


We get on the plane about a half an hour later and of course, I sit next to Michael and Calum sits next to Ashton who falls asleep as soon as the plane takes off, while Calum listens to music and let's Ashton rest his head on Calum's shoulder. I don't think much of it and can barely keep my eyelids open.

"Michael," I say to him and he looks at me, "If I'm not awake, like, a half an hour before we get to California, can you wake me up?"

"Yeah, sure." He responds and I hum in thanks, leaning my head on the pillow I brought with me.


"Dude, wake up." I hear someone say and I sit up, seeing Michael looking at me. "We're gonna be there in like 30 minutes."

I yawn and sit up, rubbing my eyes, I feel refreshed and awake now, not dead-like.

For the next 30 minutes, Michael and I talk about random things and about what we're going to do in California once we get there.

When we're almost to our destination, I see Calum and Ashton kissing in front of us and I wince, moving my eyes to Michael who's giving me a knowing look.

"What?" I say, a little snappy. He shakes his head and looks down at his phone.

Once we finally get off of the plane, we walk outside and get our luggage, all excited to be here. When we're walking towards the exit, Calum stops talking and screams.

"Mali!" He runs over to Mali-Koa and gives her a big hug and they both smile really wide.

"Hey Cal." She pulls away from him and looks at the other three boys in front of her. When her eyes land on me she smiles and walks over to me, pulling me into a hug. "Luke! I haven't seen you in forever!"

I say hello to her and the two other boy's introduce themselves to Mali, leaving out that Calum and Ashton are dating.

When we get to Mali's car, we get in and she starts driving.

"Welcome to Los Angeles." She says with a smile.


A/N I'm sorry the updates are slow but I don't really like this book anymore. Oops.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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