Chapter 7

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*Luke's POV*

Twice. Two times i've felt that feeling in my stomach.


When I was singing my song to Ashton and when Michael was naked. Never when I saw Emelina undress or when I kissed a girl I liked. Never when a girl showed intrest in me. Never.

Not until now.

I ran down the hallway from Ashton and grabbed my backpack from my locker, heading to the stairs in front of the school, waiting for the last few minutes of last period to end and for the buses to get school.

I tugged at my quiffed hair and sat down, confused. I'm not gay, I'm straight, I've always been straight. Girls. When I was little I would blush when girls talked to me, they give me boners for crying out loud. I'm not gay, I've never seen anything wrong with people  being gay but I know for sure that I'm not.

Okay, maybe not for sure.

When I was singing, I wasn't thinking about some pretty girl, I was thinking about a boy. A boy. It wasn't Ashton that made me run away, it was my thoughts, my thoughts of chasing after a boy. Ashton. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his, they were breathtaking.

The school bell rang and after a few seconds, a bunch of teenagers came running outside to get to their buses or to drive home, and I stood up, walking to my bus.

"Lucas!" I heard someone scream and then I felt something jump on me with sudden impact and i started falling forward and I heard them giggle. Calum.

"Cal!" I laughed a little and he jumped off, standing next to me. "Can you come over, please?"

"Sure. But, I need you to help me with math." He said as we stepped onto the bus and sat towards the back.

"Okay." I said and we both looked down at our phones, waiting to get home.


When we got to my house, we grabbed soda and walked upstairs to my room and sat on the bed while Calum pulled out his math homework, asking me for help on a couple problems, which I gladly did. 

"I'm frustrated." I told Calum while he put his backpack on the ground and he put his hands behind his head and laid down.

"Why?" He asked with no emotion in his voice.

"Well-" He cut me off.

"Did Mr.Rings act like shit?" 

"No, I'm-" He interuppted me again.

"Did Emelina do something annoying?" He said, still with no emotion.

"Calum, listen-" Yet, he cut me off.

"Is coach being a bitch? Or wait-" He was obviously kidding but I was annoyed now.

"CALUM I THINK I'M GAY!" I screamed and his eyes widened and he fell off of the bed. I chuckled a little, but still worried about my sexuality.

"What the fuck do you mean?" He asked, suprised and he sat on the bed next to me.

"You don't hate me, right? I wasn't worried about telling you since your Calum. But, please don't hate me. Please, please, please. You're my best friend and I love you, please." My eyes were watering and he was looking at me like I was stupid.

"I don't hate you at all. I'm not mad, I'm fucking confused. You. Luke Hemmings? The one who started talking about boobs when he was 8." He looked utterly confused.

"Well, remember the threesome with Michael. He looked so, so, so hot and I got this feeling in my stomach when I saw him naked. And, then I was singing, showing Ashton this song I wrote and I looked into his eyes and I couldn't stop. God, Calum. I've never felt like this." I explained.

"Are you sure it just wasn't with those two?" Calum asked me. I shrugged.

"I don't know, I can't exactly go up to a guy and kiss him as an experiment." I ran my hand over my face and groaned.

Calum sighed and I looked at him. "Let's get one thing straight." He giggled. "This is purely benificial for you. I like girls, maybe you do, we will find out in a second. And, I'm only doing this because you're my best friend."

I was still confused until he leaned in a pressed his lips to mine. My eyes widened, but I loosened up and kissed back, he ran his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I gladly gave him. He pushed me down on the bed and we made out until we were both out of breath.

Calum sat up and looked at me while I sat up and looked at him.

"I like boys, I can tell you that. But, sorry, I don't like you." I shrugged and we laughed.

"But you like girls too?" Calum asked.

"Yeah, but I like guys more."

Calum's phone buzzed and he checked the text, and messaged them back,

"My mom wants me home, I'll text you." We said bye and he walked out the door and I layed down and all of the sudden, the realization hit me.

I'm bisexual.


Okay, this chapter kind of sucked but I made Luke a bisexual character instead of gay because I wanted to do something different and bisexuality is a real thing, as much as being gay and lesbian is. And asexual, aromantic, ect.

But, yeah. So, Luke's sexuality is out there (well, to him and Calum).

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