Chapter 10

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*Luke's POV* *the same night as the last chapter*

"Ashton, do you like me back?" I asked Ashton while we are watching the second movie of the night. He looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows then sighed.

"I like you as a friend, nothing more." He said quietly with a look of guilt on his face. I replied with a simple 'oh' and turned back towards the television.

Next thing I know there was a tear rolling down my cheek but I couldn't wipe it away fast enough. Ashton turned around to look at me and his eyes were full of sorry and pity when he saw that I was crying.

"Luke, listen. I don't know if I would have feelings for you. I- I started dating someone a few days back, and I don't know." He shook his head and set his head in his hands.

I nodded my head, wondering if I didn't ignore him, would be like me back?

"It's fine, I understand." I said, trying to convince him with a small smile, and after a long silence I started talking again. "Who're you dating?"

His eyes widened and he bit his lip, which turned me on a lot. I felt like jumping on top of him and kissing him, but that was definitely out of the question.

"I don't know if I can tell you. I gotta go, Luke. Bye." He said quickly and raced out of my house before I could even reply.

Luke tried running after Ashton but he was driving off before the blonde boy could even comprehend what was happening. So, he walked back to his room and laid on his bed, groaning in defeat.


The next day, I called up Calum in the afternoon to see if he wanted to hang out but he said that he was busy so I just let it go and tried to think of somebody else that would want to hang out. Michael was probably still pissed, so he was out of the question. Ashton was not even in the circle of people I would want to even say 'hello' to right now, so I decided to text Dylan but he said he was also busy.

I gave up at that point because I would much rather have a day by myself to watch some television and go on my laptop than to hang out with someone day after day.

Around four my mom came home and I stood up to give her a hug but she kept walking towards the kitchen to put her bags down.

"Hey mom." I said, following her into the kitchen.

"Hi sweetie," She walked over to me and kissed me on the forehead, "Could you maybe go to a friend's house or something for a couple hours? I'm having a couple of my girlfriend's over and I need to talk to them without interruptions."

I rolled my eyes, knowing she was going to have her boyfriend over. But, I agreed to go to the pizza place down the road until six or so.

After fifteen minutes, I left the house to the pizza shop which was only a thirty minute walk or so from my house which I didn't mind. If I was going to eat pizza, I needed the exercise.

I walked into the shop and took a seat at a random booth in the store and put my feet up on the seat across the table, since nobody would be sitting there. I decided not to go get pizza yet because I would be there for a couple of hours, so why not take my time?

After a half an hour of sitting there, it started to rain and I groaned, knowing I would have to walk home later, praying that it would stop. I walked up to the counter, putting my hood up because I looked like absolute trash. I got a couple slices of pizza and a cup of Pepsi, hungry, I sit back down where I was before and kick my feet up on the seat across from me.

I watch the soccer on the television above the counter and eat my pizza, rooting for my favorite team, of course. The shop wasn't very full so it was easy to see and hear what was happening, and my team was doing good so far.

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