Chapter 4

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Calum woke me up 3 hours later telling me he had to go home and that he'll see me at school on Monday. I finally decided to get up around 5, seeing that I had 4 hours until I had to be at Em's house, I sighed.

I brought myself to my room, grabbing a random black t-shirt, some skinny jeans and boxers and headed to the bathroom. I stripped out of the clothes I was wearing and stepped into the shower turning it on and getting my hair wet.

Showers are my favorite thing. I like to think to myself or if I don't want to think, I can distract myself with singing or just showering. I hated them as a kid but now they are my favorite thing to do. And I get clean, I hate being dirty.

I started singing Teenagers by My Chemical Romance because it will always be my favorite song and I'll never get bored of it, ever.

I washed my hair and body and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist. I walked to my room and found my black sweater, blue skinny jeans and a blue beanie to wear. I glanced at my clock and saw that I had about 3 hours until I had to be at Emelinas house.

I grabbed my wallet from my desk and walked downstairs and put on my black Converse before turning off my TV and walking out the of my house.

Knowing that Dunkin Donuts was only a half an hour from my house, I began to walk there and plugged in my headphones that were in my pocket. I turned on Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low and sang along to the music.

I got to Dunkin Donuts a half an hour later and walked in ordering a poppy seed bagel with plain cream cheese and a black coffee. After paying and getting what I ordered, I sat down at one of the tables and started to eat.

After eating half of my bagel I saw a familiar boy with crazy colored hair walk in with a plain expression on his face. He ordered whatever he was getting and looked around and saw me. The lady brought him his food and he walked over.

"Oh, hey Luke." Michael walked over with his hands in his pockets and sat down across from me.

"Hi Michael." I said with a little smile on my face.

"What are you doing?" He asked taking out his chocolate donut and took a bite.

"Just gettin' something to eat, there is absolutely nothing to eat at my house."

He chuckled. "Same, man." Michael's phone vibrated on my table and he looked at the text while finishing his donut. "Aye, I gotta go, but I'll see you later." He smiled and walked out while I finished my bagel.

I sat there for a while and scrolled through my twitter and instagram feed while listening to some music in the background.

I decided to go walk around the stores near Dunkin Donuts and ended up in F.Y.E where I looked at the All Time Low albums, all of which I had, Fall Out Boy, Green Day and a bunch of more bands that I love.

I went to a few more stores until 8 when I started walking to Em's house and got there a little after 9.

I rang on the doorbell and Emelina answered it in a pair of black, tight shorts and a white tank top and let me tell you, she looked hot.

"Uh, hey." I said stuffing my hands deep into my pockets and she smirked, taking my hand.

"He's upstairs waiting for us. My parents are gone again so we'll use their room." She led my up the stairs to her parents room where we've had sex plenty of times.

She opened the door and I saw the same boy I just saw a few hours ago.

"Michael this is Luke and Luke this is Michael." She said and I looked at him with wide eyes and he looked back at me with the same expression. Em looked confused and asked us if we knew each other.

Michael was about to say yes but I butted in saying no and that I've never seen him before.

She nodded and proceeded to dim the lights and started to take off her tank top and shorts so she was just in her bra and underwear.

Michael sat up and looked at her and then at me and started kissing her while taking off his shirt followed by his pants. I decided to get into my boxers because damn, I didn't know what I was doing.

He was in his boxers and I was too, watched them kiss and then he laid her on the bed and started to kiss down her stomach. I decided to get on top of her and take off her shirt and suck on her boôbs.

She started to moan and said "more" so I got off of her and sat back. Confused because I wasn't turned on yet, I watched while Michael took off his boxers and started to pleasure her. I looked at him and felt something grow in my boxers, I looked down to see that I had an erection.

I took off my boxers and climbed back on top of Emelina, putting my d!ck into her mouth and started thrusting. After a bit of her, Michael and I moaning I could feel my cöck starting to twitch and I came in her mouth and fell next to her. Moments later I could see Emelina cumming, screaming with her back arched. Michael pulled out of her and wanked his d!ck a few times which really turned me on and came on her stomach, which was above and beyond hot. Seriously, holy fuck.

Emelina climbed on top of me and laid herself onto my d!ck and started bouncing up and down. Michael laid next to us and started wanking while watching us and Em was on top of me with her head rolled back, Michael had his eyes on us and I was watching Michael because damn, it was the hottest thing I've ever seen.

Michael soon came in his hand which was followed by me slamming into Em a few more times and I came inside of her. I rubbed her clït in circles and she came after me.

She fell next to me, the musky smell of sex drenched the room and all you could hear were our heavy breathing and then after a while, Emma's even breath's.

Michael and I got up, putting our clothes on.

"I'll see you on Monday, Luke." He whispered and left Emelina's house.

After I got dressed, I carried Em to her room, cleaned her up, and put pajamas on her. It's a usual routine. Then I cleaned up her parents room and sprayed air freshener around the room and left Em's house, walking back to mine.

All I could think about was how I was turned on by Michael. Maybe it's a kinky thing or something.

This happens all the time to teenagers, right? They get confused? About their sexuality?

When I got home I saw my mom was home and was sleeping on the couch. I put a blanket on her and headed to my room. I took out my laptop and went onto Tumblr and reblogged a few pictures of some bands.

I ended up thinking about Michael and it was still hot to me, and I'll admit. I was a little scared of being gay, not that being gay is wrong but, I can't imagine being gay myself. Maybe it's just Michael, he is kind of girl like? Not really.

I decided that I was just overthinking everything and I decided to go to sleep. I put my laptop away and turned off my lights, getting into only boxers and laying down and soon enough, drifting asleep.

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