Chapter 3

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The next day my mom went to her friends house and she said she was probably going to stay the night. by friend she means boyfriend. She says she's going to one of her girl friends houses, but I know she's lying. She's going to Thomas' house.

I wish I didn't know.

One night I came home early from school because I was sick, but I had to walk home. My mom was at work so i didn't want to bother her.

I didn't want to bother her makeout session on our couch with a dark brown haired man.

When I walked through my front door I saw a man on my mother, kidding her neck and she moaned his name. It was the most horrific thing I have ever witnessed.

But instead of interuptting her, I just ran up to my room without my mom seeing me and I closed my door quietly. I fell asleep until 5 hours later to see my mom was gone. Probably actually at work. I hope.

Since then I've heard many, many phone conversations and have found a mans t-shirt in my living room, obviously not my mom's.

I wouldn't say anything to my mom, though. I mean, she is obvioiusly keeping it a secret from me for a reason, but it gets on my nerve's sometimes.


After I made myself an egg i decided to text Calum to come over since that's basically what we do every saturday,

It was about 1:30pm when Calum got to my houose and I was kind of glad that he didn't jump out at me this time, it gets annoying as hell.

He looked really happy and maybe a little bit excited while he sat down next to me.

"Okay, so you know how my mom and dad didn't get me a birthday present?" I nodded. "Well they just got me it! It's a trip to California for a week! L.A to be exact."

I smiled. "Hey, good for you!" I smiled. "You're going to have so much fun, oh my god,"

"But here's the best part," He continued, "I have two tickets and the second one is for the one and only... Luke Hemmings. Of course, if he doesn't want to gooo...."

"I want to go!" I jumped a little. "But, my mom wouldn't want us staying alone."

"Ah, but we aren't staying alone, my sister Mali lives there, remember? We'll go for a week next month!" He responded.

"Oh my god Calum, I love you." I told him giving him a big bear hug. "Oh, and while I remember it, do you wanna come play some music with me, Michael Clifford and Ashton Irwin on Friday, afterschool?"

He shrugged, not putting too much thought into it.

"Okay, and one more thing. I'm so nervous for tonight and I don't even know how this works." I threw my hands into the air a little.

"What're you talking about?" Calum asked, picking up my water bottle and taking a sip.

"Emelina wants to do it with me and some other guy tonight... like a threesome." I admitted. As soon as I said the word "threesome" Calum spit water all over himself.

"I- are you gonna...?" I nodded. "Holy shit, man."

And after a long pause he goes, "Jesus, man. You're so fucking lucky! I mean, doing it with her and another girl would've been better by a long shot, so she owes you one and maybe one day. But, you go man, shit." Then he continued by telling me the do's and dont's of a threesome. Most obvious.

"Dude, stop! seriously. I understand." I said walking to my kitchen to throw out my water bottle.

"Wait, one more thing, you don't know who the guy is?" Calum followed me to the kitchen and sat on the countertop.

"No, all she said was that he was hot or something." I grabbed a soda can from the fridge.

"After you're done, text me who it is if you know the guy." He looked at me. "Dude! What if it's someone on the soccer team."

I made a disgusted look and sat next to him, opening the Pepsi can and taking a sip.

"I hope I don't know the guy, and I hope he's not, like, thirty." I say in a joking matter, but still hoping he wasn't old or gross. "I'm probably gonna have to touch him eventually, ew." I put my face in my hands and shake my head.

"Well, I know for a fact that you're not gay, so you don't need to worry about anyone thinking that." He giggled. "You love boobs way too much to be gay man, believe me."

I punched him in the arm lightly.

"I know I'm not gay, I'm just- it's just- what- I don't know." I sighed.

"You're putting too much thought into this. Just show up, have sex, like always, and leave." Cal shrugged his shoulders and hopped off the counter. "I'm taking a nap." He said and walked to my room.

I shook my head and walked to the living room, turning on my television and eventually falling asleep myself.

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