Chapter 5

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It was Wednesday now and I walked into school with no expression on my face. Monday and Tuesday were a blur and the most boring days of my life.

I thought about Michael a lot and decided that it was just a phase... or something like that.

Calum was at my locker when I got to school and while I got my books, we talked about this one funny Vine. While I was talking to Calum, his eyes slipped past me and they widened.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked behind me to see Michael and Emelina. Holding hands. Emelina's head was on Michael's shoulder and he kissed the top of her head while she giggled.

"Did you know...?" I heard Cal say from behind my, I shook my head. "Well, nobody expected that."

I started to walk to the obvious couple and smiled weakly.

"Hi." My voice cracked a little and I cleared my throat. "Are you guys, ya know, dating?"

"Yeah, we've been talking for a couple months now, he asked me out on Sunday." Emelina smiled with a little sparkle in her eyes.

Was I jealous? No. Was I confused? Very. If they've been talking, why didn't she tell me? And, did they have sex before Saturday? Probably. Did he know that we hook up? Or did, whatever.

"Oh, thats cool." I said smoothly and Calum pulled me and we went to our first class.

The day went by calmly and nothing happened until after school.

I stayed after school to finish my math test. After I finished my test I wandered around the school, playing on my phone. I was going to walk home but I just decided to wait until the late bus got here to take me home.

While sitting on the stairs in front of the school and waiting for the bus, my phone buzzed and I saw I had a text from Emelina.

Em: do you wanna come over?;)

My eyes widened at the text, I know she wanted to hook up, but she's dating Michael.

Me: I cant.

The bus arrived and I got in, telling the driver my address.

Em: Cmon lukey!

I cringed at the nickname and toom a seat in the back of the bus.

Me: ur dating michael tho?

Me: oh and on that topic, were u guys doing it while we were??

I put my headphones in my ears and put my phone on sleep.

Em: and?? + ya, only a couple times tho..

Me: bye

I sat on the bus and ignored Emelina's texts until I got home.

When I got home, my mom was at work so I kicked off my skinny jeans and watched television and sat on the couch. I almost fell asleep until my phone buzzed and I grabbed it off the table.

Ashton Irwin: Hey.

Me: hii

Ashton Irwin: What's up?

Me: just watching tv, you?

Ashton Irwin: Same.

Me: watchya watchin?

Ashton Irwin: ...

Ashton Irwin: Spongebob......

Me: omg me too lmao

Ashton Irwin: I didn't take you as a Spongebob kind of guy.

Me: i didnt take YOU as a spongebob kind of guy... :P

We kept texting back and forth for a few hours and we ended up getting to know each other pretty well. We texted until he got tired and decided to go to sleep.

Ash: Goodnight LUKEY

Me: night ASH

I smiled and put my phone down, continuing to watch the tv.


Hii. Sorry this wasn't long or good lol. But I just wanted to tell you that I get happy whenever I get one read or vote or comment, thank you to EVERYONE who reads my fanfic!!

Oh and I did this on mobile sorry if its illiterate or something, :)


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