Chapter 2

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*Lukes POV*

After hours of playing music we had to go which kind of sucked because playing with them was fun. We did What I Like About You and it was my favorite.

"It's almost 5 we should get going." Ashton said hopping off of his drumkit and putting his shirt back on. He was a lot more sweaty than me and Michael.

"You're gonna be here next week too, yeah?" Michael asked, I nodded. "Maybe if we find a bass we can just jam out like this next week."

I put my guitar away and so did Michael.

"Calum knows guitar, if you want me to ask him...?" I said in more of a question than a statement. There's a good chance he won't agree, but I'll make him do it.

"Sure." Michael looked at Ashton who nodded.

We said our goodbye's and headed our seperate ways and I started to walk home. I usually take the bus but the buses were gone and my mom is at work until 8. I don't mind walking home because I can listen to music and I get to think. But, I dread walking home on really hot days. It was a hot day. Walking for a half an hour in hot weather is not fun.

I got about two blocks when I heard someone honk their car from the road and took out my headphones and saw Ashton in his car and he turned down the radio,

"Hey, I'm heading this way if you want a ride." He yelled to me from his car and stopped it. I walked over and he blushed a little.

"Really? Thanks. My birthday is in a couple of months so I don't have my liscense yet." I went around his car and got into the passengers seat and set my backpack on the ground in front of me.

"I got my liscense, like, 6 months ago and I got this car a few months back." I nodded and he turned up his radio so a song I recognized but didn't know the name of.

"Hey. what's the name of this song?" I asked while he sang along.

"1985 by Bowling For Soup," Ashton responded, never taking his eyes off of the road. Ashton is really cool. I have never noticed him before today and I kind of regret it. All I now is that he is in my grade, he is really good at playing drums and can sing. And I mean he can really sing.

Where's the miniskirt made of snake-skin?

And who's the other guy who's singing in Van Halen?

When did reality become TV?

Whatever happened to sitcoms, gameshows on the radio?

I was enjoying the song when my phone rang and I grabed it out of my pocket to see that Emelina was calling me.

Emelina is my best friend.

With benefits. I guess.

Since the end of Freshman year, Em and I have been hooking up amost every other day. I mean, she is beautiful and her body is hot, but I just don't feel real feelings with her.

"Hey, Em." I answered my phone and Ashton turned down the radio for me.

"Hi Lukey Pukey." She giggled and I cringed at her nickname. "I was wondering if you wanna come over tonight."

"Can you just come to my house? My mom is out with her friends again and I don't feel like walking."

"Fine." She groaned. "I wanna try something new tonight. I'll be at your house in a half an hour." She said and hung up before I could respond. I put my phone in my pocket and looked up to Ashton wo said something to me.

"Where do you live exactly?" Ashton questioned and I told him my address.

Ashton and I listened to some Panic! At the Disco and All Time Low until we pulled up to my house. I thanked him for the ride and we exchanged numbers so we could hang out sometime soon,

I got inside and cleaned up my room a little and watched an epsode of Full House until I heard someone knock on my front foor. When I answered Emelina was standing there in a school girl outfit.


I fell down next to Emelina panting and still coming down from my high.

"That," I took a beath "was the hottest thing I've ever done."

"Me too, Mr.Hemmings." Emeina said and stood up to get dressed, I did too.

She grabbed her stuff and started walking out and I followed her until she stopped at the door.

"I was wondering, tomorrow night would you wanna do something... different?" She blushed a bit.

"Didn't we just-" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I mean would you wanna do it with me and another guy?"

"I'm not gay." I said abruptly,

"Please! I'm not saying you're gay, you don't even have to talk to him. I wanna do it, just once. Pwease Wukey?" She batted her eyelashes.

I hesitated but finally agreed. Why? Probably because I do care about Emelina a lot and her happiness means a ton to me. Before we started hooking up, she was and still is my best friend. The sex is just a benefit.

"He's hot so it'll be fun! Come over at 9 tomorrow." She told me and I nodded.

She started walking home and the longer I thought about it, the more I felt nervous.

What have I gotten myself into? What if they have sex and I'm just sitting there watching them? God, that would be so awkward.


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