Chapter 1

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*Lukes POV*

"Hemmings! No playing soccer in the hallways!" Mr.Rings yelled at me from the door of his classroom. He hates me, like almost every other teacher. I like Mr.Rings when he isn't yelling at me, though.

"Sorry Mr.Rings, I forgot!" I yelled back, picking up my ball and putting it in my backpack. I could hear him mutter something, I smirked and walked over to Calum who was pulling his textbooks out of his locker.

Calum is my best friend and always will be. What matters most is that we tolerate each other. And we're both really annoying so it's kind of hard.

"I don't wanna go to practice after school. Amanda has a suprise for me tonight since it's our anniversery." He wiggled his eyebrows implying that they were gonna have sex. I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm lightly.

"Why do you feel the need to tell me about your sex life." I groaned. "I can't go to practice on Friday anymore, anyway. Rings assigned me to that lame ass music performance shit as punishment for cheating on a test or something. I don't think I did. How do you even cheat in music class anyway?" He shrugged.

"How did coach take it?" Calum asked me closing his locker and we started walking to last period.

"He wasn't happy but I kind of have to go." I walked into my last class of the day and waved at him. "Bye Cal." He waved back at me.

I sat down in the back row next to Dylan who is also on my soccer team. He's a good friend of mine too but not as close at Calum.

"Hey Dylan." I took out my Math notebook and began doing the problem that was on the board. Math comes easy to me and that's good because a lot of the other kids in year 10 think the math is hard.

"Hi. Are you going to practice today?" He asked me setting his pencil down on the desk.

"Nah, I got this afterschool music performance thing because Mr.Rings hates me." I responded.

"Ah, that sucks. I had to do that last year. How long for?"

"Just this week and next week for like three hours afterschool." I rubbed my forehead and put my pencil down, finishing the problem.

"You gotta be here until 5? Man, does that suck." He laughed a little and turned his attention to the teacher who was beginning the lesson. It does suck. I love music, playing the guitar and singing but I hate doing it for and infront of other people.


"Great for you to join us, Mr.Hemmings." Rings said to me as I walked into the music room 5 minutes late due to my locker deciding to throw up all of my stuff.

"Sorry." I mumbled sitting behind some kids who either did this by choice or because they were like me. Stuck here.

There weren't that many people as I was expecting. There were probably 8 people and most of them looked like nobody's, I guess.

"Well, Luke, from my knowledge I know you play guitar, right?" I nodded.

"Can you play Green Day?" A kid with bright red hair budged in and I nodded, again. "Do you know American Idiot?" He asked and this time I spoke.

"Of course. That was the first song I learned on the guitar." I told him and he nodded and looked at Rings.

"Can we please go into the auditorium then? Please! This kid will only be here like twice and I've always wanted to play with someone besides Ashton." The colorful boy spoke up again.

Mr.Rings hesitated but nodded. "Fine, Michael. Just don't let Hemmings leave, he'll probably try." Michael smirked and stood up with a boy, who I was guessing was Ashton, behind him and they walked out the door and I followed. We got to the auditorium and Ashton sat on the drumset while Michael opened the curtains and signaled me to follow him behind the stage.

"Okay, so we don't really have a bassist so we can either go without or you can play it or I can?" He questioned while walking over to the collection of many guitars and basses.

"I don't really know the song on bass." I said awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"I got an idea." He pulled out his phone and walked to the other side of the stage while looked at the guitars and picked the one I liked best, tuning it.

All of the sudden I heard the bass to American Idiot played around the auditorium.

"Hah, I knew it would work. I set it low so that it wouldn't overpower our sound. I just gotta press play when we start." I nodded. "And I used to use that guitar before I got my own, let's go." We walked out to the stage and I saw his guitar in a case on the ground and he took it out.

"Can you sing?" He asked me.

"I guess."

"You take the chorus and i'll do the verses and bridge, alright?" I nodded. He tuned his guitar while I stood infront of the middle microphone awkwardly. He pressed play on his phone and we started.

Don't wanna be an American idiot
Don't want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind fuck America

Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alien nation
Where everything isn't meant to be okay

Television dreams of tomorrow
We're not the ones who're meant to follow
For that's enough to argue

Well maybe I'm the faggot America
I'm not a part of a redneck agenda
Now everybody do the propaganda
And sing along to the age of paranoia

Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alien nation
Where everything isn't meant to be okay

Television dreams of tomorrow
We're not the ones who're meant to follow
For that's enough to argue

Don't want to be an American idiot
One nation controlled by the media
Information age of hysteria
It's going out to idiot America

Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alien nation
Where everything isn't meant to be okay

Television dreams of tomorrow
We're not the ones who're meant to follow
For that's enough to argue

I took a step back after we were done and I looked at Michael who was looking into space with a smirk. Ashton had wide eyes and was doing some kind of trick with his drumsticks which seemed cool.

"That was actually kind of good." Michael said to us as he pressed pause on his phone.

"Yeah, I'm actually kind of surprised." I replied. "You're really good at singing by the way, your voice is really good for this song. And Ashton, you're really good at playing the drums."

"Thanks." Michael said and I looked at Ashton who was looking at his feet and nodded at me.

Maybe performing is kind of fun when you aren't doing it infront of people who will judge you. I felt free on the stage, it's like I'm meant to be there.


A/N: I wrote gay instead of way oops.

But yeah. I switched the settings but not really the plot. I guess. I dunno. But I really like this because I actually have an idea for this story. :-)

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