Chapter 8

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A/N: Okay, this is the chapter where thing really start to happen.

*Luke's POV*

It might sound stupid but it didn't freak my out before when I found out that I'm bisexual. It felt normal at the time, but when you actually think about it, you're the person that people make fun of, for liking the same sex. And, it's scary as hell to realize it.

That weekend, I didn't get much sleep. I didn't hang out with Calum the next day either, I wasn't up for it. My weekend consisted of me eating unhealthy food and watching random shows on Netflix. I was up late thinking about who I am each night. It's not that I'm sorry for who I am, it just scares me that people won't like me anymore if they find out that I like boys, but they won't. Calum is and will be the only person that knows.

I walked into school, acting normal but my mind was going crazy. It felt like everybody was seeing right through me, but they knew nothing, I was just paranoid. 

Calum was sick, so he's didn't come to school today, which I was a little upset about.

While I was putting my books in my locker, someone walked up to me and I looked to my side and saw Ashton standing there with a little smile on his face. He had a bandana on that made him look adorable and I mentally chuckled at it.

"Hey, Luke." He said and leaned against the locker next to mine.

"Hi." I replied and closed my locker with a notebook and pen in my left hand.

"Are you okay? You ran away from me on Friday and I was a bit worried." Ashton had a worried look in his eyes but he chuckled a little.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I cleared my throat. "And, sorry me and Calum didn't go to the band thing on Friday, I had, um, troubles, I guess."

"It's cool. If you ever need to talk to anyone, I'm here." I nodded at him. "Text me later or something, okay?" I nodded again and he walked away without another word.

I walked to my first period class and did my best not to groan whenever the teacher called on me for an answer.

The classes felt like they lasted years until I got to lunch and decided to sit with Ashton and Michael since Calum wasn't here, or else I would've sat with him somewhere's else. I feel awkward around Ashton now. But, before Friday he felt comforting, and Michael did before he started dating Emelina, who I know is probably cheating on him right now.

"Hey, guys." I said and they both looked up at me with smiles.

"Hi, Luke. Are you gonna eat?" Michael asked me and I shook my head.

"I'm not really hungry." I admitted and he nodded his head while taking a bite of his chicken nugget.

"You're on the soccer team, so why do you sit with us instead of them?" Ashton asked, glancing to the soccer team's table.

"Oh god, um, do you not want me to sit here because I can-" I freaked out, standing up,

"No, no, no." Ashton chuckled. "I mean like, they're cool and stuff, but you choose to sit with us. We're idiots."

I sat back down. "Oh. I dont know, you guys actually like music and stuff. They just talk about soccer and boobs, it gets annoying."

"Well, Ashton over here won't be talking about boobs." Michael laughed but widened his eyes when he realized what he said and then looked over at Ashton who was frozen in place. "Oh jesus, oh god, I'm so sorry Ashton. I didn't mean it."

"Save it." Ashton said standing up and his face was red and he walked out with his fists clenched.

I came to the realization of what Michael meant when he buried his face in his hands and then looked at me and my mouth was open.

"You can't tell anybody, I wasn't supposed to. He's gonna hate me, why am I such an idiot? You could be homophobic! Why did I say that? He's gonna be so angry with me." He tugged at his hair and almost looked like he was about to cry

"I, I'm not homophobic. and I promise I won't tell anyone." I said quietly, looking at my hands.

"Well, don't tell me, go to tell him, he's probably freaking out." Michael said, still not looking at me but I nodded, standing up.

I walked out of the cafeteria and walked to the nearest bathroom, and saw that he wasn't in there so I began to walk around looking for him. 

I couldn't find him anywhere until I looked outside of the hallway door and saw him curled up in a ball under the apple tree behind the school, so i walked out there quietly.

He didn't realize I was there until I slid down next to him and looked up at the sky.

"Please don't hate me. It's not my fault. I wish I liked girls, I was born this way. I know, I'm a faggot who should burn in hell. I know." He was crying now and I just hugged him and he stiffened but then hugged me back.

"I don't hate you, at all. You're not gonna burn in hell and you're not a faggot, I promise. You're still the same person I became friends with." I pulled back and smiled at him.

I kept wondering if I should tell him that I'm bisexual. Maybe it would comfort him, make him feel better.

"Ashton," I said and he looked at me. "I, you know, I figured, I just..." I didn't know how to say it.

"You can tell me anything, Luke." I nodded and took a few seconds which felt like an enternity to say.

"I'm bisexual." I said closed my eyes and expected it to be a lot worse than it was. "I figured it out last week. And, I never noticed that I like boys just as much as I like girls."

"It's okay, Luke. I'm proud of you for telling me that. The only person I've told is Michael and I've known since grade 8." He smiled and wasn't crying anymore.

"Thanks, Ashton." I set my head on his shoulder with relief.

"You're very welcome, Luke." Ashton replied.

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