Chapter 4

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Now that I was no longer in dire need to relieve myself and therefore my mind was clear and so was my body, shame washed over me in waves about the situation. I wish I could take it all back but as I stand there in the half bathroom that was the size of Daisy’s entire home, I knew that there was no turning back time and I would have to do the walk of shame back into that foyer. 

I sighed as I turned to face the sink and face myself in the mirror as I washed my hands with soap and kept looking into my own eyes. I adjusted the Marigold flower behind my ear as I patted down my curly hair to calm it down but it only sprang back into its previous position. 

I was glad that I still looked decent and because of my skin tone no one would be able to see the embarrassed flush on my cheeks when I enter that room again and face that lady whose name I still have to find out. 

I straightened up and gave myself a last once over before I looked around the beautiful full black bathroom to make sure that the place was as spotless as I had found it. I let out a shaky breath as I approached the door before I hesitantly reached for the door handle. A huge part of me wanted to stay in this bathroom until I take my last breath but I must apologise and face the music.

So I opened the door, expecting to be greeted by an empty vast hallway with doors along the walls but I was instead met with the lady standing there expectantly as though she had been waiting for me this entire time. My eyes widened in surprise as I looked up at her because she was way taller than I was, “were you waiting for me?”

I didn’t wait for her to respond, I immediately began talking, “I swear, I had no idea. If I knew, I would’ve gotten done sooner. Did I really take that long to use the bathroom? I’m really sorry, I don’t usually do this at any of my clients homes…or anyone’s home. Believe it or not, I’m actually really squeamish about using other people’s toilets, but I couldn’t keep it in today. Oh, you must be so upset and offended…if you can give me a plunger, I can clean this whole bathroom from top to bottom.”

She blinked once, a perfect brow raised but it wasn’t in amusement, more like boredom, “you talk…a lot.” She broke her silence with that statement and I let out a nervous laugh. 

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that. It’s just a habit, I guess.”

“Stop apologising.” She said with a straight tone. 

I cleared my throat awkwardly, “okay, sorry.”

“I was waiting here to give you this,” she held up my cell phone and I hadn’t realised that in my rush to leave the room and find any bathroom had resulted in me dropping my cell phone. 

I smiled widely at her in appreciation, “my phone,” I let out a breath of relief and excitement as I took the phone from her hands into my own dainty ones, “thank you so much.”

She crossed her arms under her chest as she looked down at me, tilting her head a bit to the side. I could feel her dark eyes were analysing me a lot more than simply looking at me. Her eyes seemed to want to put me in a box or want to figure me out. They were so calculating that they unnerved me and I don’t feel like that often. I wasn’t sure if she liked me or hated me or if she was simply passive and uncaring about me. 

“I should probably…get going.” I said, breaking the awkward silence that fell over us in waves. My statement sounded more like a question because I wasn’t really sure what I was supposed to say or do. Was I supposed to leave now? Wasn’t the party supposed to start at any moment? Was she here to tell me that she would never be in need of my services again? 

“Marigold,” she said my name as though to call me to attention and to take me out of my thoughts. I hummed, breaking out of my thoughts and my doubts as I looked back up at her and paid extra attention because she seemed to command it. 

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