Chapter 29

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You could cut the thick tension in the room with a knife as we sat around the dinner table in Gregorio’s home with Gregorio’s mother and sister sitting opposite my mother and I. The day had been awkward and filled with jabs that both parties kept throwing at each other. Giustina and Ladonna had seen this day as a joyous occasion and wore beautiful and light coloured dresses while my mother was dressed for a funeral. I could tell that they were offended when my mother treated this day as the worst day in her life but I was glad that someone was able to get to them because I couldn’t do it for myself. 

I had changed out of my earlier dress and I was now wearing a red plunging halter neck fishtail satin dress that had a long train and dragged along the floor. It contrasted beautifully against the dark flooring and dark interior home design while Giustina and Ladonna were now wearing black as well. Gregorio sat at the head of the table, smoking a cigar as he looked around the table with his silent eyes but even I knew that he was entertained. I could feel that my mother and Ladonna were going to explode. I was just waiting for the moment. 

“You have had on that outrageous hat throughout dinner, will you not have the common decency to take it off?” Ladonna made the first comment with her usual condescending tone that was dripping in disgust and irritation. She gave a scoff as she wiped the corner of her lips delicately with a napkin, “it’s clear to see that bad manners run in the family.”

I swallowed as I turned my head to look at my mother to see and hear her reaction. My mother was not someone who backed down from a fight or let someone insult her or her family. She took every comment personally and she would make sure that she hits below the belt because she always aims to hurt people so that they never make the mistake of disrespecting her again. “at least my bad manners entail wearing a fascinator throughout a dinner with a bunch of unhinged family members who kidnap and keep young women against their will, much like your husband whom you’re still married to has done. I would hate to offend you, sweetheart,” my mother responded in the monotone voice she always uses when she questions witnesses in court. It’s her lawyer voice that always effective and makes one feel highly inferior. 

I struggled to hold back a gasp at my mother’s comment because I saw Ladonna clench her jaw, “I will not sit here and let you insult my family in such a manner when you know nothing about us,” I fought back my grin because Ladonna had finally met her match. She had a field day with me the first time that we met and now that she met a worthy opponent she seemed to jump to the defence. 

“Know nothing about? Oh, sweetheart, I know plenty about the Bianchi’s and so do the FBI and CIA. They are just waiting for that one lucky break from a willing human who just spills their guts about the so called “secrets” of your trade, Missus Bianchi.” I stole a glance towards Gregorio to see his expression but he gave nothing away. His eyes met my own when I looked in his direction before he gave me a quick wink and my mind went blank in response. 

“That’s a weak threat coming from a high class lawyer such as yourself that has defended rapists and murderers and the likes of this family in the court of law. All we’ll do when they come knocking on our front door is throw you a few notes and you’ll be dancing to our tune,” Ladonna countered as she glared at my mother, “and don’t you dare call me sweetheart, again.”

“To be quite frank, you shouldn’t even be concerning yourself with matters of the CIA and FBI, you should be more worried about which other woman’s thighs your husband is buried in between at this moment…” my mother paused, “sweetheart,” she enunciated to play on Ladonna’s nerves. “Maybe he’s laying next to a particular blonde haired theatre actress named Isabella with sparkling blue eyes, calling her “mia Bella”.”

Ladonna was fuming and she stood from her chair, sending the chair flying back several feet as she screeched, “you bitch. You don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“Really?” my mother gave a mock surprised look, her perfect eyebrow arched upwards and her plump perfect lips in the perfect pout before she looked at Gregorio, “why don’t you ask lovely son dearest?” my mother paused, looking back at Ladonna, “or your psychotic daughter? Maybe they can tell you a thing or two about Isabella Russo and how amazing she is on stage…and ask your husband about how excellent she must be in bed.”

Ladonna was fuming and I could see her dark and angry eyes turn to her son. There was a moment of hesitation in those orbs when I saw hurt flash behind those angry glaring eyes but it was a short lived moment. Though, it was enough to make me feel sorry for the woman. Her husband was cheating on her and she found out through my mother who did it out of spite. I get that my mother is upset and I understand that she would want to hurt Ladonna especially since I told her what Ladonna said to me but my heart softened for Ladonna because of her unfaithful husband. “tuo padre è ancora con lui?” her tone was the usual monotone voice she always used but at some point it cracked just a little. 

Gregorio looked at his mother with his usual stone cold face and I wondered if he felt anything about his father’s cheating ways and how it clearly hurt his mother. He seemed to be unmoved but he was great at masking his emotion and a part of me began to wonder if he was like his father in the same manner when it came to women. This is not to say that we will get married because I hope by then, my mother will figure everything out and it won’t get to that point but if we did get married…would he cheat on me the same way that his father was cheating on his mother? Would he do it so blatantly and ignorantly that I would only be forced to accept the situation and be angry and bitter for the rest of my life? Would I cry and beg for his loyalty while all he does is give me his cold and monotone face that gave nothing away? Would he, after 30+ years of marriage, find some younger female theatre actress and call her his Bella and give all his love to her? 

My heart cried out to Ladonna because I couldn’t imagine how painful it was for someone to hear and witness the man that they share children and the sacred bond of marriage with, was cheating. Gregorio only gave his mother a curt nod, the cigar in between his thick and long fingers that were adorned in rings. He gave no indication of anger or acknowledgment of the pain that his mother was going through. 

I watched with sad eyes as Ladonna swallowed and looked away from her son. Her eyes connected with mine and she must have seen the look of pity in my eyes before her eyes hardened and went back to giving nothing away. She adjusted her Chanel jacket and looked at my mother, “well, what you mock me for today is most likely your daughter’s future. Cheers,” she held up her glass of champagne before she swallowed the whole thing and walked off. Her words were the last thing I wanted to hear and I looked at my mother who was silently looking into her glass of champagne. It was clear that Ladonna’s words had cut deep now that they involved me. 

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