Chapter 5

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I took in a deep breath of the fresh air that’s courtesy of 6:35 in the morning. The streets were emptier than they usually are at the peak hours of the day, the sky was still dark and the sun was only peeking through. I was walking on foot, headed towards the local grocery store because I wanted to get myself a few snacks for the day like I always do. 

Every morning, I wake up before dawn and get myself ready for the day. I’ll shower, eat breakfast, brush my teeth and water my plants before I tidy up the home because I always clean whenever I come home from work. After that, I’ll pack myself a healthy lunch before I head out the door and make my way to the grocery store because it’s only a seven minute walk away from my house and five minute walk away from the flower shop. 

I’m not the type of person who listens to earphones and that partially has to do with the fact that my hearing is so good, it hurts to have any loud noise in my ears. So I enjoy taking these walks and simply listening to the sounds of nature. I love the sound of birds chirping but they were few at this hour, but it was better than nothing. Then I look around at all of the houses and cute coffee shops and restaurants around the area as I skip and hum under my breath. 

I stopped in front of a boutique that had tinted windows that made it a bit difficult to see inside, but not impossible. I stopped because I wanted to see what I looked like. Even though I had left the home looking decent, there were moments when I would suddenly appear to be homeless and dishevelled. I’m not too sure how that happens but it does and it’s both funny and frustrating. 

I tilted my head to the side, looking over what I was wearing. I was wearing a blushing pink floral swing, maxi long dress that had long sleeves and a deep yet modest v. The V was modest because I’ve got small breasts so it didn’t seem too sexy and sensual, more like a normal attire because there was no cleavage. 

I had a yellow daisy tucked behind my ear and I had my curly hair let loose and free because I hated the feeling of having my hair tied up. My lips has a light paint of pink lip gloss that contrasted against my skin tone and I had on my favourite pair of pearl earrings that my mother had gifted me on my sixteenth birthday. 

As I was looking in the mirror I caught the reflection of a man standing across the street behind me, a bit further off, but looking in my direction. I turned my head to look at the man. I wasn’t suspicious of anything though because I thought that he was probably making his way to work or just like I was, making his way to the grocery store. I still looked at him briefly, noticing that he was wearing a black suit that was snug on his body and he looked really good. The suit looked like it was made for him and he completed the look with a pair of black shades that hid his eyes from me but I felt like he was looking at me, so I smiled at him and gave a gentle wave before I walked away and paid attention to what was in front of me. 

I walked with a bounce and skip in my step as I continued on my way to the store, thinking about the gummy bears that I would buy again today along with a juice box. It was my usual, or maybe I would be a bit more spontaneous and buy a packet of Lay’s or even a bottle of water instead of a juice box. 

As I turned along the street of the grocery store and it was within eye shot, something was nagging me and I turned around to look behind me to look for the man that I had seen previously. I did indeed find him again but he wasn’t alone. He was walking with another man, who just like he was, was dressed like he was making his way to a black tie event and completed his look with shades. 

They were both built, I could tell that they were extremely tall and towered over me and when I looked at them, I just knew that they were looking back at me. I gave them a smile again and turned to look ahead, glad that I was going to be in a public place (just to be safe). I may always see the best in people but I was aware of the danger that may come with certain individuals. 

I finally made my way inside the grocery store and I let out a relieved breath as I grabbed a small cart and began to walk around the store, looking for whatever my heart desired. I walked to the candy section, walking along the shelves of the different candy and forbidden treats that I shouldn’t enjoy so religiously. 

I grabbed my favourite packet of gummy bears and threw it into my cart before I grabbed a chocolate bar. I’m not a chocolate person but seeing that wrapper, made me want to buy it so I took it. I continued to walk down the aisle before I realised that I shouldn’t waste my money on this chocolate bar that I won’t enjoy so I turned around to put it back on the shelf. 

When I turned and looked at the end of the aisle, I saw one of the men with the suits that I had spotted outside. I probably wouldn’t have thought anything of it, except that he wasn’t buying anything and wasn’t holding any cart. I faltered in my step a bit before I gave him another smile and walked to place the chocolate bar back on its shelf before I turned back around and made my way to the refrigerators. 

Something told me to be more aware and that’s what I did. I could just feel that something wasn’t right and that made me nervous. So I looked around and I was glad that I did because I noticed that there wasn’t only one man in a suit following me but it seemed that there was now four of them. 

I wasn’t too sure what I was supposed to do so for a moment I just froze and looked at all of the men who were looking right at me as though they were statues and unbothered. I quickly walked to the refrigerator, keeping my eyes on them and I noticed them move with me. I quickly opened the doors before I grabbed a whole pack of juice box and turned to run away from them. 

I thought that I would be able to run away from them, but instead they followed me and just one of their confident strides was three of my running steps so I couldn’t get away. 

My heart was racing as I kept looking at them and trying to make my way out of this grocery store. I walked to the clerk and the young girl looked at me as I placed my items on the counter. “Good morning,” I greeted her because I always saw her here. 

She was never interested in holding conversation with me and I figured that it was because she was tired and at work and she wasn’t really in the mood for happy faces like mine. So she always grunted in response and chewed her gum slowly with boredom as she scanned my items. But just as she was about to do as our routine always went, a hand went down on my items, stopping her from scanning. 

She and I both turned to look at who it could be and I was met with one of the four men towering over the both of us. I didn’t know who he was looking at and I was at a loss for words about what this could be about because 1) I was afraid and 2) he smelled really good. 

He didn’t say a word and when I looked back at the girl she was as pale as a ghost as she immediately bowed her head and didn’t make eye contact. I frowned, wondering what this all could be about. 

The man, whoever he is, proceeded to pick up my cart for me and offered me his arm. Alarms were going off in my head so I did what any normal person would’ve done. I ran. 

Or well, at least tried to run. I turned to flee and ended up slamming my face against the chest of one of the other men in suits and I craned my neck up at him, letting out a nervous sheepish laugh but he didn’t do anything except do what the other man had done and that was offer me his arm. 

All four of them were surrounding me right now and I knew that I was outnumbered. My mouth refused to work and I was afraid but I found myself letting him hook my arm through his and I’m not too sure what I thought he would do, or what they would do but they instead walked around me, like a shield, before leading me outside of the grocery store and towards a sleek black Rolls Royce Phantom where one of them held the door open for me. 

I slid into the car after a hesitant five minutes and once I was inside the car, I grabbed onto my phone that I had in my side bag that I threw over my shoulder and just as I was about to pull it out one of the men placed his hand atop mine, stopping me. 

He then wordlessly handed me all of my items before I looked outside the window and found us outside my flower shop. It was silent and I couldn’t even speak as one of them opened the door for me and I stepped out. That’s how it went, they opened doors for me while I silently walked through them and continued with my day as the Rolls Royce remained parked outside my flower shop and the four men in suits guarded me as if I was someone important and I wondered what this could all be about. 

I had a feeling it wasn’t good at all. 

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