Chapter 32

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I was ecstatic to be meeting someone who wasn’t a Bianchi because that family was driving me to the brink of sanity. If I’m not careful enough, I might end up like them and actually lose my mind. My mind was reeling with all the information that I had and I desperately needed to talk to someone about everything that I knew so that I wouldn’t feel so burdened. I figured it would help to discuss with Luca since he’s the only other person that I know and he’s on my side, and he always lends me a listening ear and I love that about him. I know that Luca will advise me best and I could really use his non-threatening existence right now. 

I was walking through the botanical garden, my men were surrounding the area and keeping their eye on me while I was waiting to make eye contact with the average brown eyes of a certain employee. I was glad that Gregorio now knew about Luca and it wasn’t a big secret anymore, and it seemed to go down well because Gregorio wasn’t upset. I figure he understands that I’m lonely and I could use some company, and there’s no feeling threatened with Luca because Luca is a lot older and I can only assume he’s in his 40’s, or late 40’s at most. 

I finally made eye contact with Luca and he gave me a small smile and quick wave while I grinned at him and rushed to meet him halfway. I couldn’t help but throw my arms around his neck and give him a hug because I needed a hug at this point and he felt like a safety blanket. “woah…” he said in surprise as he stood rigid while I hugged him. 

I laughed and finally detached myself from him, realising that I had invaded his personal space, “sorry,” I apologised sheepishly, “I just really needed a hug. I’ve been going through a lot this week and I can’t wait to tell you all about it.” 

We both walked to our favourite bench, which really had nothing special going on about it. It was just like the rest of the benches in the botanical garden and it was made of concrete and actually hurt my butt when I sat on it for too long but it was my favourite because this is where I got a chance to unwind. Luca and I took a seat and we both let out satisfied breaths and sighs as we looked around the beautiful botanical garden and my eyes were attached to a particular black and yellow butterfly that kept flying around the plants and landing on different ones. 

“How are you feeling?” Luca finally asked me as we both leaned back into the bench, with some distance between us because he never really ever got too close to me. 

I have been dying to hear this question from him because I knew that he was the only one who cared. “no words can describe what I’m feeling, Luca. Life has been insane in the Black House and I’ll explode if I don’t say anything to anyone.” I finished as I turned to look at Luca who was then looking at me with a concentrated face. 

He nodded and turned his body so that he was facing me, “feel free to take anything off your chest. I’m only here to listen.” That’s exactly what I wanted to do but I didn’t know where to begin. I wanted to tell him everything but it was all so much and it was all eating me up inside that I ended up telling three different stories in a jumbled mess that made zero sense. I began with the conversation that I had with Mr Bianchi, then retracted to the very first day that I met him in the garden. Then I went on to tell him about what happened with Mrs Bianchi, after I swore Luca to secrecy and I told him what my mother said to her, and how my mother said that she was going to help me get out of this situation.

By the time that I was done, my mouth was dry from all the talking because I don’t believe that I’ve ever said so many words before and it was exhausting, “I’m out of breath,” I giggled as I looked at Luca who seemed to be as shocked as I was about what was going on. 

“Are you telling me that you found out all of this in a space of 5 days?” he asked in disbelief and a small smirk. I nodded my head, giving him a look that said “I know right!”. He let out a low whistle, “wow…who would have ever thought? They seem like such a power couple, but then again, Mr Bianchi’s infidelity has never been a secret. I always assumed that it was a secret to Mrs Bianchi.”

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