Chapter 21

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I can only assume that we were heading back to the Black House from the botanical garden. Gregorio is very controlling and I can never be gone for too long before I’m brought back to his house. It reminded me so much of my parents and how overbearing they had been when I was growing up. On the few days that they did allow me to go out, it was either with them or the guards because they didn’t want anything to happen to me. A part of me understood that they were wealthy individuals and that would make me a target for those looking to make an extra buck. It was likely that I could have been kidnapped and asked for ransom but my parents had taken it to a whole other level. Even though I harbour no ill feelings towards them because they loved me very much and they showed their love to me in the best way possible, it just felt like I was in an endless cycle. I ran from my parents so that I could gain more freedom instead, I ran straight into the arms of a deranged man who was obsessed with me. 

I do believe the word is obsessed because what other way could it be said? He wanted to marry me against my and my family’s will and none of us can say anything because we’re all very afraid of him. Which then makes it so obvious that I’m supposed to hate the man but I can’t and I blame that on my nature. I was upset, yes, but I didn’t hate him and I couldn’t hate him. That’s not to say that I can’t hate people, because I think we all can hate because that’s just what we are; human. I can’t help but feel as though he needed me. I felt that he needed me to make him feel better and that was why he was keeping me here. I still strongly believe that he just doesn’t know how to communicate his feelings and he’s just treating me like he would treat any other situation. 

He’s obviously not a delicate man and he seems to be pretty straightforward but I know that there are probably a few screws loose that I planned on putting back into place. Maybe if I got him the right medication and treatment, he would be okay. Maybe if I talked to someone about this and they ended up taking him in so that he could get better. 

I was always looking for solutions that would help all parties involved. If I were to run and leave him, it would only make him more upset and he’ll be negatively affected. I can’t let that happen to him, not when his cries for help have been heard by me. I needed to help him, I just had to figure out how and with whom. 

I was brought out of my thoughts when the guard sitting on the opposite far end of the limo outstretched his arm with his phone in his hand, wordlessly. I figured he wouldn’t answer me and I was too curious to wait for him to answer my question if I were to ask who was on the phone. So I took the phone from his hands with a smile in his direction before I looked at the weird phone. I don’t think I’ve seen a phone with buttons and it had the tiniest screen my eyes have ever seen. I let out a light laugh because it looked funny and then only put the phone to my ear, “this is Marigold Sunshine and I hope you’re having a great day. Hello?”

“Is that how you always answer the phone?” I would recognise his voice from anywhere. My body reacted to the sound of Gregorio’s gruff and thick Italian laced voice as I remembered our kiss. My stomach did flips and turns of nervousness and excitement because I haven’t seen him since last night. He put me to bed and when I woke up, as always, he was gone. 

“Yes, and my mum used to think that it was super weird that I wished people a great day at the beginning of the conversation and not at the end but I like wishing people a good day at the beginning and sending out a little prayer at the end. You know, just to really seal the deal.”

Even over the phone, he sounded very clear and there was no difficulty in connection or shuffling anywhere, “did you enjoy the botanical garden?” he asked me and I couldn’t help but grin and blush because he cared to ask about my day. He did this all the time whenever he arrived home and we would sit down and have dinner together, he would ask about my day and I would drone on about everything little detail because I knew if I kept quiet and kept it short, it would get deathly silent. So I always kept conversation alive. 

“Absolutely. I had such a fantastic time and it was so educational. I loved all of the plants and there were so many of them, a lot of them from Italy, Spain and France and it was a wonderful experience. They even let me touch the plants and they don’t let anyone do that so I was really glad. I mean, I was careful for sure. My hands were clean and even when I did touch the plants, I made sure I didn’t harm them in anyway. I just wanted to get the feel of the texture and pick up the different smells.”

I heard him hum in response to show me that he was listening which he always does in the middle of my rant to indicate that he is keeping up. I have no idea if he’s really listening or if he’s just humming so that I don’t ask questions. “Anyways, as I walked through the garden, I couldn’t help but imagine what my own botanical garden would look like. It was so exciting to visualise everything and see how it would all turn out if I did make it happen at some point.”

“A botanical garden?”

“You know, I didn’t always see myself just working at the flower shop, Gregorio. I envision bigger for myself. It doesn’t get any bigger than a botanical garden, more flowers and plants and all for scientific purposes so that would make me super smart and for the environment and science all at the same time. It would be fun. What about you? How was your day? What are you doing now?” the reason I ask all different questions at once is because he’ll give me a substantial answer for only one of the questions. If I were to ask him one question at a time, he would give me a very short answer or just keep quiet and look at me like the question wasn’t all too important. So to save myself from the silence that would ensue from a single question, I asked a few. 

“I won’t be joining you for dinner because I need to handle some business,” his business was honestly his business and I didn’t want to know about it even if he told me. Business bored me, especially Gregorio’s kind because it was as busy as my parents businesses are. 

“Oh,” I was a bit sad that he wouldn’t join me. 

“My father will be returning any day from business overseas, he will meet you and once we have his blessing, preparations for the wedding will take place. Goodbye, il mio fiore,” he said informatively like his statement was final and nothing more needed to be said or added on. 

I still smiled, “I pray your day gets even better than it did at the beginning of this phone call. Goodbye, Gregorio.”

I handed the phone back to the guard who easily snapped the phone in half and my jaw dropped. I thought that was stuff you only saw in action movies. 

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