Chapter 11

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While her brother leaned towards black, Giustina leaned towards white. I could tell they “go big or go home” in their family because her entire house was white. Her mansion didn’t at all hold a candle to Gregorio’s but it was still very beautiful and it felt more like a home, even though it was all white and filled with expensive furnishings that looked simple but were designer. “Your home is so beautiful,” I said with a smile as we sat by her island and watched her chef whip us some meals at just the mention of the food that we desired. 

“Thank you,” she replied. She was very chatty all of a sudden, she had spoken a lot today, the most she’s ever said during our previous encounters and I wondered if it was because I was interested in Gregorio. Not romantically, of course. The poor sister probably knew how lonely he was and she was glad that I was taking an interest. “You lived in Malibu, sì? Why move from Malibu to Balerno?” I was surprised by her question. Firstly, because I wasn’t sure how she found out I was from Malibu but I assumed that I must have revealed it in previous conversation that I must have forgotten; and secondly, I was surprised that she wanted to know about me. I thought she would’ve just wanted to get right down to business and answer questions that I have about Gregorio. 

“To take over and run my grandmother, Daisy’s flower shop,” I told her as I accepted my prawn chow mein from the chef that I had specifically asked for. It had been months since I’ve last tasted any chow mein and I missed it. 

“Do you like Balerno?” 

I nodded, “yes, I do. Even though I don’t know a lot of people, it’s still a really cool place. But then again, anywhere would be a cool place for me, as long as I’m away from my parents. Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents to death but they can be a bit overprotective, that’s all.”

“Well, they should be. You are very delicate, Marigold.”

“That’s okay, I have pepper spray in my purse at all times.”

Giustina cracked a smile to humour me and I laughed, “that’s alright, you won’t need that pepper spray. Gregorio will protect you.”

I raised an eyebrow in question, “why would he?” I asked because I didn’t need any protection, not from Gregorio at least. His protection was intense and I didn’t need so many of his men protecting me, it’s something that I’ll have to address with him, once I get the courage to speak to him.

“Balerno isn’t as safe as you think it is,” she replied as she picked up a slice of pizza the chef had made for her and began to eat it, “but if you have Gregorio’s protection, you have everything.”

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about Gregorio. I can tell that he isn’t around people a lot, so he can never really find the right words to say,” I paused in my speech as I saw Giustina begin to laugh lightly, a huge smile spread across her cheeks as she gave me a nod to continue, “I just wanted to know a little more about him, that’s all. So that I can be a better friend to him.”

“Marigold, my dear friend, what comes out of Gregorio’s mouth is what was meant to be said. What he says is his word and you will never misinterpret what he says because he states it in black and white. You tend to overthink words, Marigold, you mould them into what you want to hear but never what the person is saying. Listen to what Gregorio’s saying, it doesn’t need to be translated.”

“I really don’t think that’s the case, Giustina. Gregorio says some really weird stuff,” I didn’t want to think of his words because all I could hear in my mind is him telling me that I’m now his. The words were still chilling and I refused to believe that meant that he now owned me. 

Giustina placed her hand under her chin and her eyes looked me over, not in an intimidating way, just looking, “Gregorio doesn’t want to be friends with you, Marigold.”

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