Chapter 6

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At some point, one would’ve assumed that these strange men in suits would’ve left my dainty flower shop and went on about their day. I would have probably assumed the worst if I didn’t get the feeling that these men were simply here to watch me and not take their eyes off me, which, in my opinion, was very strange because I’m not someone who’s important and I’ve kept a very low profile in this town. 

The men did nothing else except stand guard and make sure that I didn’t do anything. They took it upon themselves to water my flowers and even turn on my radio to play music. Whenever they would see me move from my chair behind the desk, they would beat me to do whichever task I had been planning on doing. It was beginning to irritate me and I’m not a person who gets irritated too often. 

I loved my job and I didn’t appreciate them taking over the tasks that I enjoyed doing. These simple tasks gave my life meaning because they were tasks that Daisy my grandmother enjoyed doing and did until her very last breath. Whenever I did any of these tasks, I felt closer to her than I have ever been and it almost feels like she’s in the room with me watching me as I go about taking care of her plants. 

I would always watch her through my laptop screen as she moved around the shop and watered all of her plants or trimmed them. She would hum under her breath as her frail body would move around slowly yet with purpose and I envied her so much. I too wanted the freedom to only do what I loved and be around what I loved most which was nature. 

When I lost Daisy and I could no longer watch her through a screen or even hear her voice as she laughs at my silly jokes as we talk for hours on end, this was the only way that I could deal with the pain. This brought me closer to her and I knew that wherever she was, she was happy that I had taken on the responsibility of taking care of her flowers. 

Hell, doing this kept me sane. Even though it was a routine that I had spent most of my life with my parents resenting because it conformed me to order, this routine was special to me. 

I had yet to say a word to the strange men because I wasn’t all too sure what they were here for and I thought that at some point they would talk and tell me what it is they want from me but it’s been hours and my patience has run out. I stood from the chair and two of the men who were standing in the shop, turned to look at me and it was clear that they were watching what my next move was going to be. 

The other two men were standing guard at the doors of the flower shop as though there was someone important inside the store. They were big and built men who were very intimidating and I wanted to scold them for chasing away potential customers even though I rarely get those. 

“Okay, can one of you please tell me what’s going on?” I finally managed to say and my small petite voice broke through the silent air in the shop that had been filled with the melodic voice of Melanie Martinez whom I was obsessed with. 

I loved Melanie Martinez because her voice sounded so angelic and sweet, and her look too was one  that was deceptive and contrasted with the lyrics in her music. 

Their lips were set in a straight line and shades were still covering their eyes and I huffed, folding my arms and cocking my hip as I gave them an expecting look, “you’ve been here with me the entire day and I don’t know who you are. I just want to know who the random scary men in suits are before I call the cops and get you arrested.”

I tried to sound stern but the soft tone in my voice made it sound like a gentle warning. I couldn’t help it though, I was generally very soft spoken and I couldn’t raise my voice even if I tried. That’s one of my qualities that my parents were afraid would make people take advantage of me because I didn’t seem like the type who would be able to stand up for themselves. 

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