26: Loud And Clear

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  Weeks passed, weeks spent slaving over your music as long as possible. More times then you could count, you had to leave the mansion to briefly hang out at Callie and Marie's apartment while Marie did her radio show, leaving you to play an instrument and record the part for a song or two. Callie watched this every time, nearly squealing with excitement every time you picked up an instrument.

"Make sure your glasses are charged." You reminded her, spinning a drumstick in your hand as you went at a part with a sound editor.

"Yeah, yeah..." Callie trailed off as she watched you at work, clicking away. You shot her a sidelong glance, looking at her dreamy stare.

"Please don't look at me like that. If someone were to walk in and get the wrong idea, my throat would be slit." You told her, pressing play on a now finished song. Except for a vocal part Callie had Marina rehearse for, and you quote, 'a special song by a special person,' the song was instrumental, .

"Hey, what's this song called?" Callie asked, looking at the screen as the notes played.

"It's been through a few names, but the official is Edge Of Dawn." You nodded along to the fast guitar part you recorded in advance, moving your finger like a conductor would to the beat.

"Sounds good, and now..." You moved on, editing another song.

"Hey Y/n, how many songs did you write while away?" Callie asked.

"A lot."

"I see. Thank you for your deep and comprehensive answer." Callie sarcastically remarked.

"Edge of Dawn, Winged Hussars, a few on the side. I had a lot of time to myself." You spoke slowly, clicking at the screen.

"So, how'd you make the shades, then?" Callie asked.

"You know, cause they're only the most iconic thing in music." She added.

"Most iconic? I wasn't a big superstar or anything. I wrote and played music. That's all." You told Callie.

"Keep telling yourself that. Wherever you grew up, you were massive outside of it. Even soundtracks you made were massive hits. Your disappearance started a lot of conspiracy, but it was actually that disappearance that got me into your music." She told you.

  "Well, it's nice to see that my five years of suffering built up a fan base that'll actually recognize me when I start singing beside you on stage." You remarked.

  "I... guess so." Callie shrugged.

  "So, about the time you ran off because we found out your little 45-something-"


  "4546B problem. Anyways. You ran off after Marina looked at your gut, right? We actually found out a lot of stuff from passing remarks you made. Was that on purpose, or did you not intend to leave a breadcrumb trail for us?" Callie asked. You stopped your editing for a moment to stare at Callie.

  "...I'll let you decide on that." You returned to your editing as Callie sighed.

  "It's a shame that you had to go and become Marina's boyfriend. If you were single, I'd totally fuck you." She admitted.


  "You're straightforward. I like that." Callie nodded.

  "Even if I wanted to, I'm not about to go cheating on anybody." You told the squid.

  "Straightforward AND loyal. You're probably all chivalrous and helpful too. Marina really hit the jackpot, huh?" You sighed in exasperation, looking at Callie.

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