19: Bridges To The Truth

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  "Cameras...?" Marie asked.

  "Cameras. I have recorded security footage of everything to happen in this house... including Y/n's activities and habits." Pearl revealed.

  "Meaning we can figure out when exactly he dipped, and if he had any secret nighttime activities." Marina stated.

  "Yup. I'll get this put back, then we can watch security footage." Pearl grunted as she got the fake vent cover in place, repositioning the camera.

"Now, let's see what's happened, shall we?" Pearl asked, taking her phone out of her pocket.

You slammed down a third cup of coffee, staring at the partially filled sheet of paper. Your hands were starting to get shaky already. You weren't sure how much time had passed, but now you were sitting yourself down in front of some sheet music, trying to find something to occupy you, to keep your mind from the growing fears of everything outside of the front door, and everything in your head.

Your hand began to shake again as you lifted a pencil to draw in some notes, before dropping the pencil with a clatter, holding your wrist. You'd be best to do that when you were calm.

Instead, you took in a deep breath, looking around the room for something else to try. Something that wouldn't require such steady hands.

  Marina watched in silent resignation as the replay of you crawling out of the fort of blankets went on. As you reached for the kitchen doorknob, you suddenly went still. For a second, Marina could've sworn that the recording paused, but no.

  After a minute, you had backed away from the door, taking the long way around the house and up the stairs. You had stayed in your room for a few minutes, before heading back downstairs, looking hopeful. That look of hope died in your eyes so quickly, though, when you reached the kitchen door. Marina wasn't listening to the sound, but it didn't take a genius to realize what you had heard.

Marina watched intently as you silently ran up the stairs to your room, before...

  "Is he looting?" Callie asked. Marie hit her on the shoulder as Pearl looked in.

"No, it looks more like he'd hidden stuff away..." she remarked. Marina recognized the look of yet another knife, which you shoved into a pocket, alongside a few unfamiliar devices.

  "Hey Marina, you're the techie. You recognize those?" Pearl asked.

  "No... tell you what." Marina cleared her throat, eyes on the recording.

"Callie, Marie, I need you to take 3 and get to the Square, maybe try asking around." Marina told the sisters.

"Um, okay. Why 3?" Marie asked.

"Because she's the one who drove Y/n away." Pearl quietly remarked. Marina didn't answer, confirming the suspicion.

"Well, okay. Come on, Callie." Marie grabbed Callie's arm, dragging her away.

  "Pearl, I'm sorry to ask, but could you try contacting Y/n a few more times?" Marina asked. Pearl rolled her eyes, grabbing her phone.

"Sure thing, Reena. I'll make sure 8 stays busy while I'm at it." She promised.

"Thanks. I'm gonna go...." Marina stood up, not finishing her sentence.

  "Yeah, yeah." Pearl averted her eyes, watching Marina leave the kitchen, then the dining room. She climbed up the stairs, quickly finding the room you occupied.

  She swallowed any hint of guilt in her stomach, and started opening dresser drawers first. Other than clothes, they were bare.

  Y/n didn't even pack up. He really was in a rush, wasn't he? Marina winced at the reason why you had run off in the first place, turning to the headboard.

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