Chapter 16 - Sandra

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I woke up to the sound of my cell phone's alarm. After the best night of sleep I can remember, hell would freeze before I could say I was tired like yesterday. I was still in bed when I thought that maybe I should call my parents and of course Tammy and Cecilia.

I grabbed my phone and pressed number two to call my mom since her number was on speed dial.

"Hello?" I hear my mom's voice after a couple of rings.

"Hi mom!" I answer as I sit in my bed.

"Sandra? Hi! How was your flight?" She asks excited... maybe not excited but a mist of worry and curiosity.

"It was okay! Tiring but okay! I was just calling to let you now that I'm fine and still alive!" I say looking out the window. The taxi driver was right, the landscape is amazing.

"I'm glad to hear that honey! I was worried about you... I saw your keys on the table you should've..."

"I don't need them anymore mom. I figured they'd be more useful if I just leave them there!" I interrupt her.

"Oh I see! So what are you doing today?" She asked sounding hurt...

"Well I just got up! So I'll get some breakfast, then I'm doing some shopping and then I'll start searching for work!"

"Okay honey! I have to go now! I'll tell dad that you called and we'll talk later!"

Our goodbyes were kind of different... almost cold as if I said something I shouldn't.

I decided to get out of bed and do something productive. Maybe I should just do some shopping and get the news papers so I could look for a job.

I decided to take a shower and dress my black skinny jeans and the shirt I wore yesterday. I made my bed and set my suitcases on top of it to start unpacking... this if my stomach didn't start grunting. I had nothing to eat so I figured that maybe I could unpack later and for now I should just get something to eat.

I grabbed my phone and searched the directions to the mall, hoping I could walk there.

I put on my converse, got my purse and got of the house.

After a short walk to the mall I finally arrived and I was starving. I walked around the mall searching for a place where I could get something to eat when I finally found a small café and politely ordered some pancakes and a coffee. My request must have been pretty awkward because the lady standing who took my order gave me a pretty odd look.

I always feel pretty awkward when I'm eating by myself in a public place so I decided to facetime Cecilia while I ate.

I told her about the flight, about the drive to the apartment and about Liz.

I can't help but think of how nice she was to me. I soon finish my breakfast and head towards the groceries store.

I start walking through each aisle getting everything I need to survive for at least two weeks. As I'm about to pay for my groceries I see Liz standing in front of me also paying for hers. As I finish paying and putting my bags in the shopping cart I feel someone approaching and I immediately recognize her.

"Hi Sandra! How are you? I wasn't expecting to see you around here." Liz says to me as if we were long time friends, which actually I don't mind at all but it's weird since we don't know each other and we only spoke once.

A splattered smile creeps its way to my lips after her friendly approach and I'm compelled to answer in the same tone.

"I'm good thank you Liz! And you?" I ask smiling.

"I'm good thank you! So what are you doing around here?"

I thought it was obvious... I mean I have a shopping cart full of stuff... And I can't believe myself right now! How am I supposed to take all this back home? Nice job Sandra really nice job!

"I needed to do some shopping and I figured I should just come..."

"Do you need a ride?" Praise the Lord for this women, she has to be an angel. Either that or she read my mind.

"I was probably going to get a taxi but if you don't mind...

"Of course I don't! Shall we go?"

We both start to walk, with me walk-in slightly behind Liz since I had no idea where her car was.

During the short ride home we ended up talking about America and my reasons to move to Australia, to which I tell her the same version I told my parents. She seemed to understand me and she was really supportive about my reasons.

We soon pulled in front of the building and we both got out of the car and got the bags inside. I quickly set everything on the lift and as we stopped on our floor both Liz and I stepped out.

"Thank you Liz! I don't know what I would have done without your help" I said feeling really grateful as I smiled handing her some of her shopping bags.

"Oh Sandra it was nothing. We were both coming to the same place!" She said as the elevator's door closed" And seriously if you need something just tell me I'd be glad to help you! You're so young and living on your own in a foreign country can be scary."

I'm happy to have Liz as my neighbor, she's a really sweet women and she's been helping me since I arrived... well since yesterday, but she's really nice .

"Thank you Liz!"

"You're welcome... anyway I need to get going, I still need to cook!" She said laughing.

"Me too. See you soon..." I said as we both closed the doors of our flats.

I started putting the groceries in its place before eating something.

I wasn't really hungry so I figure I'd just eat a sandwich. I was still tired from the flight because even though I was making an effort to live in Australian time zone my body wasn't ready for it yet and I felt like it was refusing the big change.

I quickly prepared a tuna sandwich and ate while I watched the news.

I washed the dishes and left them on the sink to dry. I walked towards my room to start unpacking again. I figured it wouldn't take long because when I packed them I separated my clothes in a simple way to make it easier to unpack.

I opened all the windows to let fresh air in. It felt so good. I realized by the sounds coming from the outside that this was a busy street, what made me love it even more. I love the noise of a big city.

I opened my suitcases and the drawers and started putting my clothes, or at least the ones I got for now, on its place.

Like I predicted it didn't took me too long to do it. It was 1 p.m. when everything was ready and my empty-suitcases were under my bed.

I was so excited about being here that I couldn't just stay home. I figured I could go get the newspaper, the ones I had no chance to get this morning, and maybe go for a walk in an attempt to find a place looking for employees.

I walked back to the kitchen to get a water bottle and put it in my purse, just and old habit I caught since I started using purses. I got my keys and for the second time today I opened the door to leave.

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