Chapter 107 - Luke

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I walked out of my own house so I didn't have to look at Samantha. Five in the morning and I'm sitting in my car trying to figure out the shit I created.

I felt stupid and alone. Part of me knew I deserve to be alone after what I did to Sandra. I didn't give her the chance to explain what happened when Samantha came up to me and showed me that fucking video... I should have heard Sandra before making any assumptions, instead I told her to leave when she told me she loved me.

I called her a whore and like she said her only mistake was to love me... out of everyone I was lucky enough to have her loving me, yet stupid enough to let her go. If only regret could kill...

She tried, she tried to tell me truth and now I'm sitting in my car, alone in the middle of the night, wondering what to do and where to go.

The thought of driving to Sandra's apartment crossed my mind but at five in the damn morning? I am desperate but I don't think that would get me anywhere.

Sandra wasn't the only person who got hurt by my idiocy. I punched Calum when I thought he was involved with Sandra... Calum...

I turned on the ignition and drove to Calum's house.

On the way I started thinking about what I was going to tell him and as I pulled up in front of his apartment I still wasn't sure what to say. There were no lights in the building which meant everyone's asleep, because not everyone is an asshole like me and find out that they're girlfriend... ex-girlfriend... the person they love was telling the truth all the way and then try to fix their mistakes in the middle of the night.

What should I do?

I grabbed my phone and flew through my contacts list as I questioned myself if I should actually call him. I had to options: to call or not to call. If I called, he might not answer or refuse to talk to me but if I didn't call, my impatience would probably take over me and I would end up doing something stupid.

I pressed dial and waited for a while. Just as I was about to hang up he picked up the phone.

I heard a muffled sound and for a second I wasn't sure if he answered the phone or not.


"What?" Great, now I woke him up.

"Calum, it's Luke. I need to talk to you, can you open the door." I couldn't hear a thing on the other end of the call. Maybe I shouldn't have called or come here in the first place. "Calum! I'm standing at the door of your building. I need to talk to you!"

"You what?" Calum asked seeming suddenly awake.

"I'm at your damn front door. Can you please open it?" I begged desperate.

"Wait!" And the call ended.

Five minutes passed and nothing. I walked back to my car and just as I was about to get in the front door of the building opened and Calum came out in shorts and a t-shirt.

"So you came here to beat me up this time?" Calum asked. As much as I hated to admit it, he had the right to be defensive.

"I came to apologize!" I said leaving him confused.

"To apologize?" He asked not really sure if I was telling the truth.

"If you give me 10 minutes I can explain..." I said hoping he'd believe me.

"Fuck me and my luck... come up. I'm not gonna freeze my ass because of you." Calum said as I locked my car again and followed him to his apartment.

A couple of minutes later we were both sitting in his living room and silence settle between us.

"So?" Calum asked breaking the silence.

"You didn't... go to bed with Sandra." I said feeling the words getting stuck on my throat.

"No shit, Sherlock! What else is new?" The sarcasm in his tone made me feel even worse. "Wait, I want to know what made you change your mind."

I knew he was being and asshole just to make me feel bad but I also knew he was also right.

"I... maybe I should start from the beginning..."

"Be my guest!"

"Samantha showed me a video of you and Sandra where you were telling her you wanted to tell someone you had sex with their girlfriend but she manipulated me into thinking that the girl you had sex with was Sandra and me, being dumb, believed her. Today I found out that she didn't show me the full video. I know you went to bed with Tammy and you and Sandra were never together." I told him finally admitting to myself out loud what I figured out about an hour ago.

"Well you weren't supposed to know that part but I guess it doesn't matter anymore. Do you have any idea of how Sandra's suffering because of you?" My chest hurt as Calum put into words my worst nightmare.

"I know and I'm hurting too..."

"Don't you dare make this about yourself! You know you're the one to blame." He said pointing his finger at me. He was right... this isn't about me, this is because of me. "So, now that you came to your normal senses do you want to know what really happened or you're still going to be an asshole?"

"I won't!" I promised, giving Calum the chance I should have given to Sandra.

"Me and Tammy did have sex. It was on New Year's after the beach party. It wasn't supposed to happen but it did. I knew she had a boyfriend but I fell for her. I tried to do it with a different girl after her but I just couldn't and that's when I realized I needed to talk to someone." I cringed when Calum gave me too much information. "I didn't want to talk to you or the guys because you barely knew her and I didn't want you to think of her as a slut or as if she was easy, so Sandra was my only option. I had lunch with her that day and I did tell her that I wanted to tell Tammy's dumbass of a boyfriend the truth but, deep down I knew I couldn't. Anyway, the fucking Ice Queen apparently recorded our conversation and showed it to you. It was an innocent conversation between two friends, nothing was going on between us two. Then the rest you know... But you didn't even let her talk dude. You called her a slut when you were the only guy she would lay eyes on. She was devastated, you hurt her a lot. I don't even sound like me talking but you broke her heart and she was the best thing that could have happened to you. You fucked up Luke! You really fucked up this time."

I took a deep breath. I should have known... I should have known from the moment Samantha showed up at my door saying how sorry she was, I should have known she was bad news.

"I am an asshole!" I admitted more to myself than to anyone else.

"An asshole? No Luke that's an offence... to the assholes! You're a damn fucking bastard and if I was Sandra I would have your balls and I'd make you suffer!" Calum said in a serious tone.

I felt so lost, hopeless and helpless.

"You're right! And I was unfair to you. You were caught in the middle. Can you forgive me?" I asked hoping to get my friend back.

"You're asking for forgiveness to the wrong person. You didn't break my heart, you broke hers and honestly I hope she forgives you... even though you're a fucking asshole, she's miserable without you."

"I hope so too Cal, I'm going to fight for her even if she's seeing that guy from the club!" I said determinate as flashes of last night came to my memory.

Calum got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen as he mumbled something I couldn't understand.

"What did you say?" I asked as I followed.

"How do you know about the club?" Calum asked taking something out of the fridge.

"I saw her dancing with another guy but I figured she was moving on from me and I couldn't handle watching it." I said hoping Calum would prove me wrong.

"Luke, dude, what you saw... it wasn't what you're thinking!" I looked at him and I would almost say he looked scared.

"What do you mean?" I asked getting nervous.

Do I know the whole truth or just part of it?


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