Chapter 83 - Luke

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The night was not as bad as I thought it would be, in fact I had fun but I was glad when I finally left Tammy and Jason at the hotel, not for her, she's awesome, but for him, I don't like to see him around Sandra.

I drove back to my house and took the elevator up to have a surprise waiting for me at my door and that was the last thing I expected was to have someone waiting for me but to make it even worse, the one standing at my door... Samantha.

"I knocked but you weren't home..." She said quietly and she almost seemed shy.

"Obviously!" I said as silence settled between us. It wasn't a comfortable silence like those silent moments when Sandra and I have nothing to say and just let the silence speak for us, it was an uncomfortable silence, one of those silences that if a needle falls on the ground everyone can hear it. "What are you doing here?"

"I came because... there are things left unsaid." Her voice was still quiet unlike the last time we met.

"I said everything I had to tell you. There's nothing to say anymore." I said going straight to the point.

"Luke I know I have no right to ask you to listen to me but that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm begging you for five minutes of your life to listen to someone who doesn't deserve." Her words seemed to be full of regret and, even though I didn't want to, I felt sorry for her.

"Okay, you have five minute but let's go inside. I don't want to have this conversation here." I said reaching my pocket for the keys.

We walked inside as Samantha followed me to the kitchen where she took a seat on the stool. I stood against the counter and waited for her to talk.

"You'll think I'm playing but I'm here to tell you that I'm sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me for what I've done to you but I wanted you to at least know that I'm sorry. I know I hurt you and I can't even imagine how humiliated you felt. I didn't deserve you Luke and you certainly don't deserve being cheated on."

I couldn't believe what I just heard. She has a heart? Who would have guessed it?

I was in shock. She was waiting for me to tell me she was sorry and that she regrets cheating on me... either she hit her head pretty hard or she's telling the truth.

"I don't really know what to tell you Samantha. I wasn't expecting this..." I tried to say.

"I know. You don't have to forgive me Luke, I know I messed up pretty hard..." She said looking at me with the smallest smile ever.

"It's okay. I mean it's not okay but we both moved on, we weren't good for each other." I said not really knowing what to say. What am I supposed to say after all?

"I know I'm asking way too much from you but can we be friends? I understand if you don't want it and if you want me to leave..."

"I can't promise to be the closest friend but with time I think we can be friends." I said mostly because I felt bad, I knew that apologizing is hard for her.

"Thank you Luke... for everything. You have no idea what this means to me!" Her arms reached for my shoulders in an attempt to hug me. "I'm sorry." Samantha said taken back for my lack of response.

"Well I need to sleep, tomorrow is my turn to open the store..." I said trying to give her a hint to leave.

"Actually Luke... I have one more thing to talk to you..." Here we go again... "Luke do you remember when we were dating and I didn't like your friends?"

"Yeah!" I hate where this conversation is going...

"Luke like I said you're not the kind of person who deserves to be cheated..." Now this is starting to piss me off... "I went to the mall earlier this week... where were you on Tuesday at lunch time?"

"I think... I had lunch with my mom!"

"And where was Sandra?" Okay, now I'm pissed off...

"She was with her friends!" I said starting to feel attacked with all of Samantha's questions.

"Luke... I'm sorry but you need to see this for yourself..." Samantha said reaching for her phone and turning the screen to me.

"I don't know Calum... I wish I could just walk to him and tell him we had sex and that I like his girlfriend and he'd just let us be without killing me! Please don't do that Calum. You can't do things that way..."

A video of my Sandra having lunch with Calum... "I wish I could walk to him and tell him we had sex"... My chest tightened and suddenly the kitchen was hotter and smaller and I couldn't see straight. My heart shattered and the pain I was feeling was unbearable. The girl I love and I gave my world to cheated on me with my best friend.

"My phone died after..."

"H-how... how did you get this video?" I asked but my voice came out as a whisper.

"I was having lunch with a friend from college and I realized Sandra and Calum sat on the table behind us and then they started talking about what they've done and when I realized that the conversation was getting heated I tried to record it because I knew that if I told you, you wouldn't believe me but then my battery died and..."

"Okay, Samantha, okay! I get it..." I was so lost and desperation was taking over me.

"I shouldn't have told you..."

"Samantha can you go? I'm sorry but I need to be alone..." I asked desperate to be left alone.

"Sure!" She said grabbing her stuff. "Luke I'm sorry but I love you too much to let you be hurt again... I had to tell you! If you need anything even if it's just to talk... you know I'm always here for you!"

The sound of the door closing pierced my ears as I broke down. I refused to believe I was crying over the sink because of the girl that fixed me when I firstly got cheated. What hurts the most is that I love her, I'd do anything for Sandra, I would take a bullet for her so she wouldn't get hurt, yet she went behind my back with my best friend. I thought I could trust her.

I'm mad at Calum too but he'll get his payback. Once a cheater always a cheater, if I wasn't enough to fulfill whatever needs she has then what makes her think Calum, the one who fucks a different girl every night will?

I love Sandra but I refuse to be cheated again especially because of someone who just likes her or wants to have a good fuck.

Thought's of his hands touching Sandra's skin in ways that I thought only I was allowed consumed my mind and I needed to get rid of them. I needed to forget and the only way I could think of was alcohol.

I wiped my face to my shirt and walked to the cabinet where I kept all the drinks from when the guys come over and from parties. I grabbed the first bottle I could find and took a long sip of whatever it was as I felt it burn down my throat yet not enough to numb the pain on my chest.

"I don't know Calum... I wish I could just walk to him and tell him we had sex and that I like his girlfriend and he'd just let us be without killing me!... Please don't do that Calum. You can't do things that way..." I kept drinking as my mind kept repeating the words I heard joined by the image of Calum and Sandra so close to each other... I could see everything in my mind, his hands touching her, Sandra moaning his name as she came undone under him... it felt a thousand times worse than a bullet. A bullet would have killed me right way... those words and the images running through my brain left me bleeding, hurting and wishing I was dead.

I had to get away from her claws even though it was already too late... I grabbed my phone and called her but I hung up even before it could ring. I knew I couldn't hear her voice so I texted her instead.

I sent the message and threw phone against the wall. Either way it's probably getting used to it, last time this happened I did the exact same thing. I'm starting to wonder what the fuck I'm doing wrong to deserve being cheated twice.

Sandra promised me it would be okay and she did kept her promise... until she decided to break me on worst and most unfixable way.

She was a storm that broke down my walls and then left me with nothing but a broken heart.

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