Chapter 9 - Sandra

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My mom... a million thoughts rushed to my mind. Should I let it ring? Should I pick up the phone? She'll probably be worried or even more upset if I don't answer the phone but if I do, nothing good can come out of it. I debated with myself for a moment but then I decided that answering was in fact the best option.

"Hello?" I say still a bit scared of what was coming.

"Hey Sandra! Did I wake you?" My mom asks calmly, way too calmly for what happened last night.

"No, I was awake already!"

"Good, I was scared I could have awakened you. Listen, I was wondering if you'd like to meet me in about an hour so we could have lunch together!"

I should have thought this one was coming... she rarely asks me if I want to have lunch with her and every time she does, she always ends up telling me bad news. When I was ten and she invited me for lunch she told me that my fish died. This time I have no fish but I know for sure that she will try to change my mind about Australia

"Sure! Where should I meet you?" I took on her invitation knowing that it could be an opportunity to make things right at least with her.

"In that case, meet me in my office and then we can decide where we should go!"

"Okay, see you there!"

"Bye honey!" I hear her say as I hang up.

Maybe I can try to explain to her my point of view and my reasons of my decision... well at least some of the reasons that made me want to move. After all, the only thing they can't know is about the last reason that turned out to be the water drop that made my cup overflow.

I kept packing until I finally decided to get ready to meet her. I put on a pair of jeans, a plain pink shirt and my black cardigan along with a pair of flats. I don't know where we are going so I might as well wear some decent clothes.

I put my phone in my purse and headed downstairs to the kitchen to get my car keys. As soon as I get them I got out of the house to my car and I drove to my mom's office as the music played softly through the speakers.

I parked the car right I front of her office and I when I was about to walk inside, I saw her coming out which made me stop. She walked to me smiling as if nothing happened. I'm starting to wonder if I actually told them...

"Hi sweetie!"

"Hey! How are you?" I asked suspicious.

"I'm good! Shall we have lunch at Stacey's? It's just around the corner we can walk!"


This is very suspicious! I'm honestly starting to doubt it I actually told her... no, no, no I told her about Friday! She knows I'm moving, I'm sure! Otherwise I wouldn't have booked the flight.

We walked and sat in a booth in the back of the small restaurant. I couldn't say that the air between us was awkward but I couldn't say it wasn't, I guess it was different. I didn't really know what to say or do so I kind of waited for my mom to talk while we both looked at the menu.

"So what do you want?" She asked placing her menu on the table next to her plate.

"Maybe the fried chicken..." I said not really giving much thought to it. "And you?"

"The fried chicken is good. I'm going with it too" She smiled.

"Hello, welcome to Stacey's! What can I get you?" This blond girl asks. She doesn't look much older than me but she surely seems happier.

"Hi! We're both having fried chicken please." My mom says hands the menu to girl.

"And for drinking?" she asks again has she rights down our food.

"I'll have water please" I say.

"It water for both please!" My mom says smiling toward the blond girl.

"Okay! I'll bring your food in a couple of minutes."

The girl leaves and we both fall into silence again. I still didn't know what to say. Everything I could say could be just another nail in my coffin.

"So... about yesterday..." My mom finally starts... this is not gonna be good. "You're not really moving, are you?"

I took a deep breath and looked out the window before answering her.

"Mom... I am moving."

"Why? Why are you moving? Why to Australia?" She asks staring right into my eyes.

"Mom I... you know I always wanted to move, and Australia has great job opportunities and I think it's time to... I don't know, grow up, learn on my own and make my own mistakes"

"You can do all that here, you don't have to go to the other side of the planet!"

"Mom I... listen is not that I don't like to be here but it wouldn't be the same! I need to do this for myself. I'm going and I will see if I can adapt myself, if I can't I'll have to come back..."

"You're making a mistake Sandra, I told you yesterday and I'm sorry but I can't support you with this and to be honest I hope you change your mind!"

"I won't change my..."

"Here's your food! I hope you like it... and your drinks! If you need anything else just say it!" the blond girl says smiling as she leaves.

"Sandra... you know I only want the best for you, and I don't think you're making a good decision by moving. I mean if you want to move okay, you're nineteen it's normal, but moving to Australia? I think that's way over the line of what's acceptable!"

"I understand that you're scared and I understand that you think this is unacceptable but I need to make my own mistakes and find out what's good for me. I don't want you to think that I'm doing this just because I feel like changing, I want you to know that I'm doing this cause I want to start my own life and I always wanted to live abroad and try new things."

I'm trying to make things better and hopefully my mom will understand that right now there's nothing she can do to change my mind.

"I do not support your decision Sandra! But if there's one thing I taught you over the year was respect... so I have to respect your decision even if I don't think you're doing the right thing."

"I understand and I thank you for that. I just don't want to leave in bad terms..."

"We're not in bad terms!" My mom said assuring me with a smile. "I love you honey I just want the best for you!"

"I know mom I love you too!"

After lunch with mom I actually could say that she lifted a weight off my shoulders. My mom and I have always been close and leaving in bad terms would literally break my heart.

I knew it would be hard for her to accept that I want to move and I admit that Australia is further than whatever has crossed my mind, but it felt right somehow.

I want to be able to be on my own and find who I am away from everything and everyone I know. That is the only way I won't have any influences at all the things to stop me from doing whatever I had to do.

Right now I have to focus myself, even though I still have to talk to my dad.

I want to leave. But I want to leave knowing I can always come back and without anyone upset or hurt with me or my choices.

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