Chapter 7 - Sandra

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It's been two weeks since Tammy told me that her parents were whiling to sell me their apartment in Sydney, since that day I've been getting everything ready to move including my passport which was already expired. I got everything ready, all the paperwork and everything I needed except two things: booking the flight and, the worst part and probably the hardest, tell my parents I'm moving.

I couldn't avoid it any longer, I had to tell them my plans... today!

"Guys, dinner's ready!" I hear my mom yell from the kitchen and I that's when I knew that the time has come.

We all sat around the table and as soon as my mom brought the food we began to eat.

"Well I have to talk to you about something very important!" I start smiling nervously as my parents eyes were on me.

"What is it?" My mom asked.

"Is everything alright?" Andy dad asked concerned.

"Yes, it's just that I've been thinking for a while and I really have to tell you..." I say while picking on my food "I decided that I'm moving!"

"Sorry, what?" My dad asks as if he didn't understand what I just said.

"I'm moving!" I repeat scared of how they would react.

"What do you mean moving?" My mom asks staring directly at me while I try to avoid her looks.

I could feel the tension rising in the kitchen as I dropped the news.

"I mean that I'm leaving our house, I'm moving out."

"Sandra, you're 19. You don't know what you're saying." My dad says shrugging of the subject.

"In fact I'm very serious about it. I've been taking care of the legal issues and passports and..."

"Wait, wait, wait! Passports?" My mom asks. I talked too much...

If I thought I could feel the tension before right now this is beyond an electric discharge. It felt like a bomb had just exploded in the kitchen.

"Where are you planning to move?" My dad asks as he sets down his fork.

"Uhh... well... I'm moving to Sydney!" I said.

Right now I'm terrified. I didn't know what my parents were thinking and that terrified me. This could not end well.

"Well you can forget that idea! You're not moving and that's it!" My mom literally yells.

"In fact there's nothing you can do right now, everything's ready..."

"Are you insane? What are you going to do? Live under the bridge and sing for money? Is that what you plan to do? Is it Sandra?" My mom yells as she literally throws her plate into the sink.

"No mom I'll live in an apartment and work for everything I need!" I yell back.

"An apartment?" She asks sarcastically.

"Yes my house!"

"So you bought an apartment behind our back? I didn't raise you like that Sandra! You lied to us!"

"I just rented it. And I didn't lie I just..." I just didn't tell you the truth.

"I'm sorry Sandra but I can't support your decision. To be honest I think it's a mistake that you'll soon regret!" My dad says as he gets up as well.

"Even if you're right, I need to make my own mistakes and learn from my own experience... I'm sorry!"

I could feel my legs shaking. I was way too nervous and I felt as if I was about to start crying at any moment.

"Oh you will be... by the way when you are moving out?" My mom asks again being completely sarcastic.

"Next Friday!" What the fuck? I didn't mean to say this, I haven't settled a date, I screwed up... big time but I was so nervous and irritated that no one supports me that it just came out.

"You're moving in four days... and you're telling us that today? You have to be fucking kidding! You disappointed me Sandra I never thought you'd do this. Never! I hope you're happy! Goodnight!" My mom yells as she rushes out the kitchen.

"You're making a big mistake Sandra I hope you know that. I can't support you I'm sorry!" my dad says as he leaves the kitchen too.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I always mess everything up. They will never forgive me for this one! I didn't mean to say I was moving next Friday it just came out in the heat of the moment...

Tears were now rushing down my face and all I could do was try to keep myself calm as I cleaned the kitchen between sobs.

Am I doing the right choice? Now I'm actually having second thought about the whole moving idea but I have to stand my ground... I can't back down now! I just hope that I can make this whole mess alright until Friday and hopefully book my flight for Friday otherwise that would become a problem to add to my list.

I finished clean the kitchen and there were no lights in the house so carefully I walked to my room and turned on my computer.

I should have told them long ago about my plans but I was scared because I knew this was going to happen.

I searched for plane tickets hoping there has to be one available for Friday. Even if I have to pay extra money I will. If I stay a lot longer I know my parents will end up changing my mind of find a way to stop me from going.

After a quick search through different airlines, I found one on Friday at 8:45 p.m.

As I was about to book the flight my dad's words came to my mind... You're making a big mistake Sandra I hope you know that, what if this is a mistake? What if I regret it?

Well like I said I need to learn from my mistakes and I keep doing the same ones so I figured this would be just one more to add to the list of my mistakes if it turns out like that... or maybe be the first one of a new list called I can call "Worst Mistakes in History".

Before I could think about it any longer my flight was booked! I actually think that the date of my departure got settled when I stupidly told my mom I was moving "next Friday".

All I hope is that I can actually get along with my family before Friday otherwise I'm leaving in bad terms and that is something that I don't want.

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