Chapter 92 - Luke

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Blaming Calum didn't ease the pain I feel.

I drove around for a while only to end up at home again. I couldn't force myself to eat or do anything for a fact. I spent the rest of the day lying on the couch. I hung onto fragments of memories and wondering how I never noticed that something was going on between those two, right under my nose. Calum liked Sandra, even if he just wanted to get his way with her, and Sandra, she never pushed him away... she probably fed him bits and pieces of hope for him to hold and wait until they get it done behind my back. The doorbell kept ringing as I tried to ignore it until I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Go away!" I yelled so that whoever was outside would just leave me to my misery.

"Luke, it's me, Sam, open the door, please!" For a split second it did cross my mind that it could be Sandra but as Samantha's voice echoed, I started wondering if I should be glad or disappointed. "Please Luke, I just need to know if..." I finally opened the door. It's bad enough that I'm miserable, I don't want someone else to be miserable and having me to blame. Besides she did tell me the truth and I owe her that. "... you're okay..."

I walked back to the couch leaving the door open so Samantha could come in... if she wanted.

"I'm perfectly fine, can't you see?" I asked with a mouth full of irony.

"I was worried about you Luke. Last night... it was a mistake. I shouldn't have told you. And when I left... I know you weren't okay!"

The room was silent. This isn't the Samantha I used to know, this is a much better version of her. A nice version of Samantha in fact.

"Have you talked to her?" She asked running her hand through my hair pushing it away from my face.

"I broke up with her if that's what you want to know..." I said as I kept looking at nothing in particular.

"I'm so sorry Luke. I know you really liked her..."

"Looks like it wasn't enough to keep her." I said breaking a little more inside.

Samantha's body came closer to mine taking me in her embrace. It's odd how things change from the night to day. Twenty four hours ago I was in Sandra's arms and I never thought I'd be like this.

"It's past eight Luke. Have you eaten anything all day?"

"I'm not hungry..."

"But you have to eat. I'll cook you something!" Her hands kept running through my hair, I wasn't really fond of it but it sure was comforting.

"You don't have to do anything for me." I said not wanting to be mean.

"But I want too. After all, we're still friends, right?"

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