Chapter 82 - Sandra

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Friday night and after a long week we all decided to hit the club after dinner to show the girls and Jason a little bit of the Australian night. Probably because of Jason, Luke wouldn't let go of me and I wouldn't let go of him either. Jamie joined us after dinner, since she officially became Ashton's girlfriend she started hanging out with us every Friday night and everyone was okay and happy about it with it.

We waited outside of the club for Jamie and as she would always say, she was fashionably late, which meant that she would always be five minutes late.

A light but cold breeze made me shiver but rapidly Luke pulled me into him wrapping his arms around me.

"So since when are you dating?" Jason asked nonchalantly making a small talk as we waited...

"Since Christmas. He was my Christmas gift!" I said holding him even tighter.

"I cannot believe you just said that..." Michael complained.

"Neither can I!" Cecilia agreed. Honestly these two are the feminine and the masculine version of each other...

"Yeah but we've known each other practically since Sandra moved." Luke said. I knew he wasn't comfortable around Jason but hopefully it wouldn't be for that long.

"And I love him more than anything..." I said touching his jaw and kissing his knuckles. I felt Luke relax and that made me relax too.

A couple of moments gone by and Jamie finally arrived. As the boys went to find a table the girls and I went to get some drinks for the group. We got back to find the boys sitting on a small table surrounded by couches that weren't enough for all of us. We handed everyone their drinks and Cecilia and Tammy sat on the two couches that were left and Jamie and I were both pulled into our boyfriends' laps. I could only speak for myself but Luke is way more comfortable than those couches.

"Do you want to go dance?" Luke asked me taking one last sip of his drink.

"Yes, let's go!" I said taking his hand before he could regret.

The group stayed behind as Luke and I walked through the dance floor.

"Calum's very quiet tonight!" Luke stated and I was already regretting promising both Tammy and Calum not telling him.

"I've noticed that too..." I said not lying to him.

"I wonder if something's going on. He's been so off of everything lately."

"It's probably nothing. Let's just dance!" I said trying to focus his attention on us instead of the whole Calum and Tammy issue.

By the time we decided to leave the bar, Calum was wasted. I've seen him tipsy but I've never saw him this drunk and it kind of worried me. Apparently, Luke saw a girl approaching him but we didn't even bother to look at her. Everyone realized something was bothering Calum.

Michael took Calum home so that Ashton could take Jamie and Luke could take me, the girls and Jason. I sat on the front seat as Luke drove back to the hotel to leave Jason and Tammy, with his hand resting on my thigh. I love when he does that, it gives me a feeling of protection...

"Tonight was fun! Australians know how to party!" Jason said as Luke parked the car in front of the hotel.

"And you haven't seen that much let me tell you!" Luke answered with a small chuckle.

"When are we doing this again?" Jason asked undoing his seat belt.

"Next Friday! We do this every Friday but we rarely hit the club, we mostly go to a café downtown."

"It's pretty cool!" Tammy said speaking for the first time in a while.

"Cool! Anyway thanks for the ride Luke!" Jason said fist bumping Luke and finally getting ready to leave.

"Sandra, are you working tomorrow?" Tammy asked me.

"No, not tomorrow!"

"Cool! See you guys tomorrow then!" Tammy said smiling and fist bumped me as we always do.

We drove off as soon as Tammy and Jason got into the hotel.

"Luke? Can I ask you a question?" Cecilia asked as he drove.

"Of course you can. What is it?" Luke asked looking at her through the review mirror.

"Did you like Jason?" A smirk was visible on Cecilia's face as she asked it.

"I have to tolerate him!" Luke said making me and Cecilia burst into a fit of laughter.

"Oh my God, three people in the car who don't like him! He better mover his ass back to America." Cecilia said putting our wishes into words.

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